"Itching ears or burning lamps, which is your Faith?" Feast of Pope St Silvester-Christmastide 2023

1 year ago

On this Sunday within the Octave of Christmastide the Traditional Calender gives us the Feast Day of the "Pope of Peace". Pope St. Silvester was the first Pope in the linerage of successors to St. Peter that was not martyred. He reigned during the time of Constantine and the Edict of Milan and thus presided during the first peaceful existence of Christendom. Fr. Stanislaus expounds on the readings provided by the Church from Holy Scripture for this feast day noting that St. Paul entrusts St. Timothy with the proper knowldge and understaning of the Faith, encouraging him to teach others not to conform to the present world but to hold strong to the true Faith given to him. In the Holy Gospel, Our Lord teaches that all faithful to His Word must remain so, steadfast until He comes again. Fr/ Stanislaus makes note of the current "mess" in the Church and how these readings seem timely and appropos.
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