California is an Island! Old Maps Show Hidden Truth Before Mud Flood

1 year ago

California is an Island! Ancient Maps Reveal Hidden Truth Before Mud Flood
First of all, I may be Mandela Effected but I don't even remember California having a peninsula (Baja California). These ancient maps, however, show California as an Island! It seems that the mud flood giants did some serious earthworks to join California Island to mainland North America. More than 50 old maps prove that California once was disconnected from the mainland.



Natural Law is above all laws:
1. No man, woman or entity in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life, assets, and property and, any and all contracts I'm a party to not giving full disclosure to me whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion.
2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.
3. There shall be no exceptions to Laws 1 and 2.

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