goodbye 2024 and hood riddance it's was nice knowing you not hello 2024 12/31/23

6 months ago

2024 will be greater than 2023 2023 is bad on politics and mean on politics luv to see 2024 is finally put nailed in coffin to the democrats party once and for all and fired joe biden has president hired and elect trump has president into white house get joe biden out by bye bye darl brandon brainless brandon crazy joe is got to go put American first in right track can people do into primary in general God willing also people need and might lose weight me to aswell need it 🏋 get ridd toxic people in your life that wint changed bring positive people into your life bring high hopes of it you know hopefully bring changes into it so yeah that all say those mynew year resolutions of coursed this isn't guaranteed not promised but let's hope what see next and Jesus christ and God repent the sins of others people stop sinful leaved 2023 behind you that all can say travel go out stay offline so don't consumed to much of yourself so let's see what happens this cannot be guaranteed or promised its depends what the goals are in 2024 that for sure well have yourselves a very happy new year eve everyone and Stay safe

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