Sahih bukhari Hadith No.206-208صحیح بخاری حدیث نمبر

1 year ago

Sahih bukhari Hadith No.206-208صحیح بخاری حدیث نمبر
Sahih Bukhari Hadees No. 206-208 Chapter 4, Wudu (Ablution
Narrated `Urwa bin Al-Mughira: My father said, "Once I was in the company of the Prophet on a journey and I dashed to take off his Khuffs (socks made from thick fabric or leather). He ordered me to leave them as he had put them after performing ablution. So he passed wet hands over them.
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's Apostle ate a piece of cooked mutton from the shoulder region and prayed without repeating ablution.
Narrated Ja`far bin `Amr bin Umaiya: My father said, "I saw Allah's Apostle taking a piece of (cooked) mutton from the shoulder region and then he was called for prayer. He put his knife down and prayed without repeating ablution."

We pray Allah almighty give us permission to read understand and follow quaran , tafseer, hadith

Allah Hafiz

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