Year of the Strong Man: Full Metal Ox Day 1037

9 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1037
Monday 01, January 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1102

The Year of the Strong Man
(*Got inspired & wrote too much for most channels. Full text in Minds @noxsoma).

Like many of the great secret societies of antiquity, masculinity has been infiltrated. There is a long list of reasons why. Classic masculinity has been so watered down that the average male doesn't even know what it means to be a strong man.
The way men have been stereotyped in movies and cartoons, always ready to drink and fight and fuck, forceably if "necessary," gave rise to the toxic masculinity bullshit. Why? Because lost boys emulated the worst traits of "cinemasculinity." And girls of a certain decade didn't know any better than to admire it. They watched the same movies.
Your humble vagabond has had the immeasurably good fortune to be raised in a neighborhood, or "village" (before the saying was co-opted by the Clintons) of masculine men. Not movie stereotypes. Simply men doing what needed to be done every day. Generationally most of the men in the neighborhood were late, GI or Early Silent generation, born in the mid-late 1920s to mid-1930s. Most, if not all were military veterans. Military service in the twentieth century made a huge difference in masculinity vs machismo. These were my role models. The lessons we learned didn't come from reading "how to be alpha" books by sociologists, or sitting in the audience listening to liars relay their sexual fantasies and conquests. (We got that for free from the homies.) We bore witness to how fathers raised their sons and their daughters.
These were the examples of strong men that forged our hood, a microcosm of the United States in those days.
We, of a certain age, whether you served or not, have witnessed the planned collapse of masculinity. How much lower can we get than identifying as a female and then beating up females for sport, and getting paid for it? How embarrassing is it to see a man in a wig and a dress melt down emotionally when he's addressed as "sir?".
If you're okay with this, than you're probably supporting the decline.
2024, in this series, is the Year of the Strong Man. We're going to reclaim this role and we may even have to redefine, for popular culture, what a strong man is, how a strong man behaves, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Strong men are not threatening to women, they complement the feminine. However there's a generation, or two of women who are completely ignorant of Strong Man characteristics. It's going to be an exciting era because there are those who equate aggression and drug assisted physiques as characteristics of strong men, because their examples come from commercial influences.
From the perspective of this Vagabond, the latter generations, possibly peaking with GI (WW2 era) descending to Gen Z, have gotten weaker and less masculine every quarter century. There are few if any living role models left to inspire.
So we have both a challenge and an opportunity. We can "design" and inspire a new generation of strong men based on qualities that won't trick them into going out and killing someone to prove their manhood. They won't be lured into getting beat up for the entertainment of blood thirsty cowards. They won't be played against each other by women, commerce or politics. They will be able to live their best lives, grow, support and protect & defend their families, if that's what they want. Or, they can defend their country or create their vision if that's what they want.
They do no harm in their lives and allow no harm to come to their loved ones.
This will be a multigenerational project. It must be a project because it won't happen organically, just as the decline wasn't organic. It could literally take a century, but if we don't start now, who knows how dramatic the next step down will be?
Anyway. Believe it or not there's more to this episode than the Strong Man thing.

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