Jonesing for Jesus clip 23

11 months ago

📍 What do we crave when we wake up in the morning? A cigarette, a news headline, coffee?

Do we fall our knees and pray? You can sit at the dining table. What do we have to do? And we're not satisfied until it's done. If we don't do it, we'll be left throughout the day, longing to do it, wanting to do it, feeling like that thing was unfinished in our life.

Well, if you find the thing that you do most habitually. And if you want to avoid that word addiction, the thing that you do over and over again, just look at it for yourself personally and just think to yourself, am I glorifying God when I do this? When I, when I read scripture, am I glorifying God? When I pray, am I glorifying God?

When I spread gossip, am I glorifying God? When I, I don't want, I don't want people to get guilt trips, you know, cause there's, there's, there's drinking Christians and then there's, I don't want to tell you that I drink. But Jesus did, but does your addiction rule over your life? That's what makes it an addiction.

I don't care if you have a beer or two and during the holidays, it's just whatever. There's people that have food addictions. And how can you tell if a person with a food addiction relapsed,

You can't. So what I'm saying is

know your heart,

know what you desire,

know that you're addicted to energy drinks,

know that you're addicted to cigarettes,

know your addictions,

know what rules over you.

Ask God to take it from you. And as you ask God to take it from you, you're praying. And as you read scripture that says you can have God take it from you and that he's not going to give you challenges You can't overcome...

My favorite life verse when I was just getting over addiction says

1st Corinthians 10:13,

No temptation has overtaken you.

That is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation you will also provide the way of escape that you might be able to endure it.

So the number one thing, a person who is suffering from true addiction is,

WHY did you give this to me, God?

It's like the finger pointing blame game. Why did you give me this addiction? God's answer is I gave you this. Ability to be addicted because you're supposed to be addicted to me. But I realize you're in a deep hole here and you, you are addicted to energy drinks or beer or cigarettes, and I'm going to give you a way out.

Pray to me, read my scripture and you'll find your way out. There's nothing he puts in our path that tempts us, that we don't have a way of escaping. There's nothing that God puts in our way that we cannot overcome. Now, keep in mind, it's not us that is overcoming our addictions on our own. We put ourselves in that problem on our own.

But it is God that gets us out. And so, again, what do you wake up craving in the morning? What do you have to have before your day is complete? Evaluate it. See if it glorifies God.

It's okay to be an addict, but it's not okay to, to, to serve lesser gods because that's idolatry.

Be God Addicts.

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