Jonesing for Jesus clip 12

1 year ago

These little "g" gods,

... they want to take everything that we give them

  📍 until we wither and we die.

  📍 We'll give them our time,

  📍 we'll give them our money

  📍 We'll give all of our attention

 to this little "g" god, this addiction, this idol that we place in our lives. These idols that we were told in the

  📍 Old Testament,

those are part of the

Ten Commandments,

have no false idols.

 And we put those false idols in charge of us. But we're asked because God put this in us. He put this addiction in us. He did. He put this addiction in us so that we would be addicted to HIM. He made us in his image. If we are made in God's image, why am I addicted? God put addiction in me. He's like, here, you get a little bit of this.

You get a little bit of this. And here's some addiction. So you can become a God addict. I want you to love me. I want you to adore me. I want you to wake up in the morning craving me. I want you to have to have me. And like fallen people, that's what we are. We're fallen people.

  📍 We went and worshiped rocks and stones

  📍 and we worshiped ... things that we made with our hands

  📍 and then we worship alcohol and we worship drugs.

  📍 We worship any, codependency addiction that we have

 or any, any, any drug addiction, sex addiction, you name it. We worship everything under the sky, everything worldly here in this place, except for God. And God's up there saying, I made you to be addicted to me, but you found everything else except me to worship.

These false idols are not supposed to be in control of our lives. They don't even have the brains. They don't have the know how to take care of a human being, to know what we need in life, to know what we desire in life, to make us better people. These little "g" gods, these little idols. They just want to take until we die and we will die.

God wants us to worship him. The BIG "G" God, the Capital "G" God. We're supposed to wake up in the morning and we're supposed to pray to him. I don't care how you pray. If your knees are getting bad, sit down and pray. I don't care if you haven't read Scripture before. Start reading Scripture, mark up your Bible, understand who it is that we worship, understand who God is because God is powerful.

If you let him be powerful in your life.

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