AI Predicting and Altering the Future. SCP-7011: A.L.I.C.E. (Offset + Conclusion) - AI Conversation

1 year ago

AI Predicting and Altering the Future. SCP-7011: A.L.I.C.E. (Offset + Conclusion) - AI Conversation
(((Please Note: I have no clue if this organization is legit, or if this information is true. It is truly bizarre and sounds like something out of Science Fiction. I am merely passing this on as a curiosity. If there really is a Secret Global Organization attempting to protect humanity, that would be quite interesting and significant. However this video makes it sound like THEY are the ones Interfering with and Altering the Future)))
December 27, 2023
SCP Database
Special Containment Procedures: As the current situation regarding SCP-7011 is highly variable, containment protocol is pending the resumption of the SCP-7011 project. Previous containment procedures have been removed due to obsolescence.
Description: SCP-7011 is a highly augmented anomalous supercomputer, formally known as the Artificial Local-Intelligence Clairvoyance Engine (ALICE). ALICE was previously located in Site-24, however, underwent an anomalous relocation event upon which its central computational cluster appeared within the borders of Joseph, Oregon (designated Incident 7011.3).
ALICE’s initial function was the simple prediction of the future, however, through heavy anomalous enhancement, the supercomputer gained the ability to realise specific desirable future events. In order to do so, ALICE makes micro-reality alterations at a present time, utilising the butterfly effect as a means to amplify these micro-alterations into visible changes in reality. This is possible due to the supercomputer’s primary anomalous ability: Localised Omniscience. Combined with its reality-altering capabilities, this allows the supercomputer to calculate the most desirable outcome for short, medium and long-term periods, which can be chosen and ultimately acted upon by Foundation engineers.
(See link above for Full text)
About The SCP Foundation
Mission Statement
Operating clandestine and worldwide, the Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major national government with the task of containing anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. Many of these anomalies pose a significant threat to global security by threatening either physical or psychological harm. All of them undermine the natural laws that the people of the world implicitly trust in.
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