Starseed Empathic Energy Vlog

8 months ago

Starseed Empathic Energy Vlog title is from Starseed oracle cards we pulled today. The Empathic Starseed card what energies to do you let in. the second Whale and Orca Elders card Sing you song to maintain your vibration as a Empathic starseed.

We had a 39 hour blackout on the Schumann Resonance so I wasted my time t figure out the end of the 28th of december . thus I wne t ot the tarot for the energies. We had the 8 of wands in the past position so a swift movement toward the bullseye a focus on the core the querent position was hte prince iof disiks A taurean young energy charging out. Opposed by the Star card, with her hope and clarity of vision in the appearance position between them we have the nine of swords Cruelty or False Evidence Appearing Real unfounded fears. For this evening we have the Two of wands thus dominion or a gateway to our domain. followed by the three of wands
followed by the three of wands virtue or stepping through a portal to a new kland we end the day with the nine of wands strength approaching completion afirey end. I can say about this all that there is a lot of fire and inspiration taht can be had today. We are being empowered to make a transformation into a new ti ype of human one that has tapped into their god energy.
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