Asherah: Israel's Goddess

1 year ago

Asherah: Israel's Goddess
Christians are God's "Chosen Ones"
(((Keep in mind. Asherah was the Hebrew - Canaanite equivalent of ISHTAR. Why is Ishtar related to the Whore of Babylon? The Temple Priestesses were HARLOTS. The Temple was Paid when someone had Sex with a Priestess)))
Why is this Important? It PROVES we have all been Lied To about the Hebrews early History, Religious Beliefs and Practices. The Old Testament was Rewritten to HIDE the True History.
Abraham was in fact part of the Royal Class that came from Mesopotamia. It can no longer be disputed that much of the Old Testament was sourced from the Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets. And very much of the Old Testament History has been Falsified. While much more has never been able to be proven by any other source or by the Archeological Record.
Personally, I believe that Jesus and the New Testament Negates the Old Testament. Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan for a good reason. And I do not believe that Jesus intended for Christians to use the Old Testament as the Basis of their Worship or Spiritual Beliefs.
So why should anyone believe that the Jews who say they are Hebrews but Are Not, are GOD'S Chosen Ones, just because the Hebrews made such a Claim?
The Hebrews Broke their Covenant over and over. They replaced their original god's with Yahweh. They Falsified their True History.
It is my opinion that if you Truly Believe in Jesus, you should believe that Christians are GOD'S Chosen Ones
(((When Jews Pray at the Wailing Wall, they repeatedly bow over and over. Why?
The answer is truly disgusting and blasphemous. They are inwardly having coitus with the Female Aspect of god. Are the Jews really just Pagans that Still Worship the goddess Asherah?)))
Nov 12, 2021
Beneath the Bible
00:00 Yahweh and His Asherah
01:44 The Origins of Asherah
04:36 Asherah in Archaeology
07:38 Asherah in the Bible
10:00 Asherah in Israelite Archaeology
14:24 Why this matters...
17:32 Don't forget to Subscribe!
The Bible holds particular animus for two foreign gods in the Bible - Ba'al and Asherah. Today we're going to look at Asherah in the Bible and in the archaeological record. We'll look at the evidence from Ugarit but also at sites in ancient Israel to see what the evidence can tell us about who this figure was and how she was understood by both the religious elites and common day people of ancient Israel.
If you are interested in learning more about this topic we suggest you start here:
Raz Kletter, The Judean Pillar Figurines and the Archaeology of Judah. B.A.R. International Series 636. Oxford: Tempvs Reparatvm, 1996.
John Day, Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 265. New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
Tilde Binger, Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 232. New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
Garth Gilmour, “AN IRON AGE II PICTORIAL INSCRIPTION FROM JERUSALEM ILLUSTRATING YAHWEH AND ASHERAH,” Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 141, 2 (2009), 87–103.
John Day, “Asherah in the Hebrew Bible and Northwest Semitic Literature,” JBL Vol. 105, No. 3 (Sep., 1986), pp. 385-408.
What I really want to know is the 70 god's of El/Yahweh and Asherah related to the 72 Demon's of King Solomon?
Demon Sigils And Seals With The List of 72 Demons Of Solomon In Ars Goetia
- › demon-…
the Seal of Belial also known as Belial Sigil in Ars Goetia Book of the Lower Key of Solomon, The Demon Sigils Collection. The Seal of Belial the Great Demon King of Hell. Now that we are finished with the kings, let us move on to the dukes of Hell.
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