The United States of Porn

1 year ago

We've all gotten way to comfortable with ourselves and with each other now that porn stars, OnlyFans models, and general degenerates have infiltrated our thought leadership roles and positions of power. Thanks in no small part to Pornhub, we now live in the United States of porn and can track the top relative searches in each state. As depressing as it is to watch where our country is headed, at least we now have some insight about which states have been completely led astray by pornography and which ones are still hanging on.

Thanks for watching me make fun of the Pornhub Insights of 2023! If you liked this video, please be sure to subscribe, check out the rest of my videos, and share them with your friends and family! All of my videos are comedy commentary and reaction videos that are similar to videos made by PaymoneyWubby, Cr1tikal / penguinz0, Cody Ko, Some Ordinary Gamers, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, etc. My videos are also somewhat similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000 but for YouTube videos. Fans of Sam Hyde, Internet Historian, NakeyJakey, Tim Dillon, Rory Scovel, and MeatCanyon will also probably like my videos. Anyone who likes memes, dark humor, dark comedy, parodies, or making fun of anything and everything will enjoy my channel.

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Music: Autotuned Voicemail - Record Boy
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The United States of Porn

Pornhub Insights 2023
Top relative searches
State-by-state porn habits

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