Zander Bird Tries To Trash Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken Over Elemental, Plot Issues

1 year ago

#cyberbullies #rubygillmanteenagekraken #elementalmovie

Zander Bird complains again, and claims Elemental was a better movie that Ruby GIldMan Teenage Kraken. Yet he doesn't realize while the movie was better of how it was written and not trying to push anything in the movie.
Ruby Gilman is trying to fit into school she goes too, and dealing with lack of popularity, then become friends with the merrmaid character, which they hang out together and end up fighting an evil sea monster.
Elemental has Ember Lumen, the fire character, dealing with family business problems and interacts with Wade, the water character, to help solve the problem. They also deal with a city problem, and they have a liking for each other while the story goes.
One of the promoters of Elemental is a non binary actor named Ava Hauser, who plays Wade's younget brother, and Ava a tell people that "I am non-binary, and you should watch the show to support my non binary character.".
One movie has action, dealing with popularity, and showing your self worth, The other has accepting differences and success in a business.
Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken takes the cake here

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