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Bill Maher & Seth MacFarlane Get Into a HEATED Debate Over the COVID Vaccine

1 year ago

See also: We Can’t Find a Single Case Where a Healthy Child Died from COVID" - Dr. Paul Alexander, Former Whitehouse COVID Taskforce https://rumble.com/v28gcr0-dr.-paul-alexander-we-cant-find-a-single-case-where-a-healthy-child-died-fr.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

“Djokovic didn’t need it. Aaron Rodgers didn’t need it…You completely want to shut your eyes to the fact that there are repercussions to all medical interventions including a vaccine!”


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  • See also: We Can’t Find a Single Case Where a Healthy Child Died from COVID" - Dr. Paul Alexander, Former Whitehouse COVID Taskforce: https://rumble.com/v28gcr0-dr.-paul-alexander-we-cant-find-a-single-case-where-a-healthy-child-died-fr.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

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  • Children get myocarditis from this vaccine. And DIE. And the Death of children from the vaccine is GREAT and nil from COVID.

  • So you think he’ll be upset when he finally realizes that the shot was a bioweapon and has killed around 20 million worldwide? People really are so clueless! They don’t really look into anything do they? They believe the propaganda. Not one kid died from Covid. Any they say did, actually died from other cormobidities and the hospitals were told to mark anything and everything down as died from Covid. WOW the social media sites and msm worked overtime to hide this info from the world. Seems they are really good at lying and misleading the masses. They should all hang for their duplicity! Ignorance will be the downfall of this country.

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