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🌟 Calling All Talented Artists! 🌟

1 year ago

Your gifts have the power to inspire, heal, and transform. Imagine what we can achieve together when we unite our talents for a noble cause! Let's join forces to use our art - whether in song, canvas, or beyond - as a force for positive change.

The world needs our creativity now more than ever. Let's paint stirring canvases, compose soul-stirring melodies, and craft compelling narratives to raise awareness, inspire action, and ignite hope in the hearts of all. Our collective voice is a potent tool for raising awareness about crucial issues, and each stroke of our creativity can build a brighter future for all.

Whether it's through a captivating melody, a compelling visual, or an evocative story, let's harness our talents to pave the way for a world that cares, nurtures, and thrives. Together, let's kindle the flames of compassion, empathy, and awareness through our art.

Join us in this inspiring journey as we blend our artistry to create a wave of change. Remember, our creativity knows no bounds - it has the power to mend, uplift, and guide hearts toward a brighter tomorrow.

Let's paint a symphony of hope; let's craft a masterpiece of change. Together, we can save the world with our art.

I may not be the best artist but this is my attempt to motivate you to join us artists In attempt to make a difference in the world before we leave it!

With Love - GK

You have our permission to do whatever you want with this music/video and repost and re-upload as you please.


  • 0/2000
  • Music is the Universal Language of the Soul. Hats off, GK 💖

  • Great use of your talents. I do Satire News at CDP4JC channel.😎 “Meme them until they cry, then meme them again”

  • search #PottersFieldBx and #MakeAmericaGreat on YouTube or Google for my wide awake patriotic rock band from the BoogieDown Bx NY called PottersFieldBx ThePeoplesBand. We're on rumble but only 1 minute clips.

  • I’m spreading this GK.

  • You are the talented one not me. Great video.

  • I sent this to my county sheriff's office. I recommend everyone do something similar to see real change. Good day to you. I am a retired military Chief of over 20+ years of faithful service to my country. My oath, like the oath of your office is to: Defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Is the systemic corruption of our government's executive branches (at a minimum) not obvious enough at this point to make a Nation Wide unified Sheriff front to combat this corruption and thereby upkeep the oath we all swore to uphold for those who can't? I would purpose a solution. Wouldn't it be perfectly constitutional to deputize the National Guard and close the affected govt. Offices, leaving a crew to keep infrastructure running while we make a new election of the people and for the people? Perhaps with some new running politician rules like having to pass an indepth military style security clearance. Each individual in the military with a secret clearance has to. Why not our highest positions? I fear If the heros of this country don't hold to their morals now war will take it from us all and not by any voters choice. God Bless at God's speed. Very Respectfully,  U.S. Navy Chief retired

  • I'll start making some artwork with a message. I draw demented cartoons for fun, I'm an ex-tattoo artist but ended up hating that industry and dealt with creative burnout for the last 4 years of my career. Now I have a way less stressful job and I go to an art meetup a couple times a month. I drew a cartoon, full page, (think Where's Waldo, level of detail) with my usual styled characters, but the centre of the drawing is a pope with a black pope hat (I'm sure the Vatican has a word for that hat), below the pop is piles and piles of trash including McDonald's cups and french fry containers. I dubbed the piece "The Pope of Trash" and gave it to my daughter, out of the pieces I had made that year, that one was her favourite and it was the only one with a clear message. Maybe I should lean into it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • What happened to the burrow, it’s now called truthtide ? Asking for subscribers $4 $8 $10 tiers, is it legit ?

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  • Will do, is this your only channel?

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  • intelnet & its influencers R your new programming & $ laundering isreali op

    1 like
  • Yeah Hey Disclosurehub I get your point, but there is just one Fucking 'Problem'... The 'Feedback' I get from my followers, and my self included, gets pissed when all the 'background' music fucking make it difficult to hear what the message is from the peoples small videos... I share a lot from you in my videos with links to your channels... Another think is all that Fucking Advertising you put on the videos you share, it takes the fucking attention away from the message itself... Also piss annoying... I cut it out as best I can in my videos... Also, gotta say, hiding anonymously behind a Fucking 'Mask' like a Pussy coward does NOT give you more credibility and integrity... quite the opposite... Do you also have something to hide? Now, if you stood out in public, as I know with many years of experience, you will achieve real credibility, not by pretending to be a coward behind a mask... As well as the 'signal' you send out to the people... And the children and young people... Something I have said and written publicly here in Denmark since 2017.. https://www.thedisclosurehub.com/ https://digburrow.com/burrowtvpromo https://www.vtvault.org/ https://www.vtvault.org/justthetip https://www.vtvault.org/channels https://www.vtvault.org/homemain https://rumble.com/user/Disclosurehub https://t.me/Disclosurehub/2895 -- Satanic Pedophile UN and WHO Agenda 2030 Want to Normalize Pedophilia and is Teaching Children to Masturbate! [06.05.2023] Shocking evidence report reveals UN & WEF Agenda 2030: Children must have Sexual Partners! Source; https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/WKHRKAsEADia/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/23428 https://rumble.com/v2prr3w-satanic-pedophile-un-and-who-agenda-2030-want-to-normalize-pedophilia-world.html https://www.k10.dk/showpost.php?p=374981&postcount=745 More links to my videos under this comment...

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  • https://old.bitchute.com/channel/D8uToZ6kcKJw/

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  • Trumpsters illusion We Trump tight We Trump right We Trump it up all day and night We’re the Trumpsters We’ve seen the light No turning back to the communist hype We the people gonna Fight, fight, fight No more dazed and confused from propaganda news mSM you lose Now with open eyes We see the lies You can’t disguise With your tearless cries It’s Trumpsters Not chumpsters You can’t make us out to be monsters We the people see the evil Conniving,depriving Weasel! By Neo. 2019 Chump!! I’m a chumpster, he’s a monster He brought the vaccines just to conquer, all the Goy’s, all the boys . Guess They’re tired of hearing all our noise. All the people a bunch of sheeple couldn’t see it standing at the steeple. They close their eyes, they close ears. The solitary life is theirs. It’s not real until it’s here,in our face with a mace. By then it’s far too late! The rest are gone, you’re on your own, you got nowhere to call home. You got no one you’re all alone. It’s too late! You made it fate. You should have stood while we all could. You played it safe, now you’re the bate. With no one left your easy pray. Your time has come, now you’re the slave, as they’ make you dig your grave! KimNeo. 9/5/23

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  • Tel lie vision I live my life through TV. It tells me who I want to be. It lives my life just for me, no need to think for it thanks for me. Tells me what things I need. Tells me which doctors I should see. Gives me symptoms that might be. Perhaps I’ll need that medicine to make me feel at ease. It tells me who to vote for, and who are the enemy’s. The TV preachers there to save my soul at high price is the toll. With their mansion, their fancy clothes God’s been good to them surely they know. All the women quite masculine the men on the feminine side. It’s a world of delusions. The truth is to be denied. MSM is for entertainment to fool the masses into enslavement. As I sit there all day, my eyes glued to the screen, hoping for a better world one yet unseen. But if all the rest are like me, will never uprise for this great enterprise that are forefathers set forth with great dreams for the people of the future to be free to live a healthy, prosperous, happy life out in the world, making strife living life out in the world every day, instead of trapped in front of a box that tells me how to talk, how to walk, what I should wear, how I should look. From birth to grave I shall never stray too far away from my mind controlled T-vay. Kim Neo. 2/7/24

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  • Last chance The time has come  .. we are no longer free.     They took the Bill of Rights  away from me It started with the 4th you see    breaking down our doors to cease  anything they darn well please  the second amendment is at Siege starting with assault rifles  you don't need protection from the,  look at Waco Texas it never helped them be free.  MK's shooting up all the schools  so you'll see  the earthquakeing damage  dividing you and me  Its propaganda so it seems Propaganda at its extreme The 8th amendment was next you see pulling me over and searching me Without the 4th  no more protection from the,  no more are your rights  and you are no longer free .  They can do  what they dam well please  even assaulting me  without the 4th  no reports of our whereabouts  need the made And now the first amendment  need not be saved  keeping us separated  from birth to grave Seems the bill of rights  1 through 10  which our forefathers  highly recommend  is no longer taught to defend.  It's no longer necessary  in this world of pretend, In a world of conspiracy to be proved  it then just becomes fake news  all the people in the world  are just being used  like free range cattle  probed and Confused. Just like Uklaslavia was in the 90s Do your research and stay free Free from guilt free from hate  don't you know the Elite's  are trying to make it your fate!  By Kim Neo

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