💫Universal Divine Power💫Self-healing with Tibetan Bells💫DNA Correction💫

5 months ago

💫Hello, now you will hear the most powerful and rarest matrix ever created by Petr Petrovich Garyaev. This matrix is very particular, because it is composed of the sounds of Tibetan bells and above all the songs of Rigveda - Vedic Chant (the most ancient and sacred religious texts of India). Invoking complete healing, rehabilitation, renewal and purification of the physical and spiritual bodies.
💫The matrix corrects all the errors in your genome, is capable of making you and all the generations after you healthier, breaking the chain of transmission of diseases and ancestral predispositions.
💫With the help of the sound of this extraordinary matrix, they penetrate your body and influence the structure of human DNA. Heal all diseases, pathologies, correct all malfunctions, aging. Return a person to a healthy state of health.
💫It doesn't matter what diseases you have, problems with the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, complex or mild joint damage, muscle diseases, skin diseases, mental problems, internal organs: all this can and must be cured simply by listening to the sound.
💫You can believe it or not, it doesn't matter, the sounds just work. The healing process has already begun and cannot be stopped. The sound of the Matrix causes all internal organs and cells to vibrate rhythmically.
💫You may experience different emotional reactions, a sudden surge of joy, the desire to get up and go somewhere, you may even start to cry. Don't be alarmed. These are natural short-term reactions that will fade.
You need to listen to this recording for at least 30 minutes a day. Therefore, it is recommended to turn on the matrix before going to bed.
💫You don't have to do anything, focus on the sounds, words, you can also go about your business or just relax, you can close your eyes if you feel more comfortable. Now is the time for your health, the rest doesn't matter. There's only you and this sound.💫


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