Dungeons & Dragons-Pathfinder- S1 Ep8 #dnd5e #lore Maddog and Coco Bagiennik Lore

11 months ago

The Bagiennik - Tabletop Gaming Lore - Kobold Press - Pathfinder - Dungeons and Dragons- Maddog and Coco stumble upon a portal to another realm and return only to find the poison from the Asanbosam has returned to Coco as well. They seek out the Bagiennik to heal Coco before he dies from it.
The Misadventures of Maddog Jalapeño and Coco Season 1 Episode 8

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With webbed claws, bulbous eyes, and two nostril-slits that ooze
an oily black substance, the creature is not quite hideous—but it
might be, if most of it wasn’t concealed by a thick coating of muck
and mud.
Bathing Uglies. When a bagiennik is alone, it spends its time
bathing in local springs, rivers, and marshes. The creature sifts
through the muck and silt, extracting substances that enhance
its oily secretions. If anything disturbs the creature during
its languorous bathing sessions, it angrily retaliates. Once a
bagiennik has bathed for four hours it seeks a target for
mischief or charity.
Unpredictable Moods. One never knows what
to expect with a bagiennik. The same creature might
aid an injured traveler one day, smear that person
with corrosive, acidic oil the next day, and then
extend tender care to the burned victim of its own
psychotic behavior.
If the creature feels beneficent, it heals injured animals
or even diseased or injured villagers. If a bagiennik visits a
settlement, the ill and infirm approach it cautiously while
everyone else hides to avoid provoking its wrath.
When a bagiennik leaves its bath in an
angry mood, it raves and seeks out animals or
humanoids to spray its oil onto. If a victim drops
to 0 hit points, the foul-tempered bagiennik
applies healing oil to stabilize them, grumbling all
the while.
Acid Oils. Collecting a dead bagiennik’s black
oils must be done within an hour of the creature’s
death. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check yields one
vial of acid, or two vials if the result was 20 or higher.
A bagiennik can use these chemicals either to heal or to harm,
but no alchemist or healer has figured out how to reproduce the
healing effects. Other than their acidic effect, the secretions lose
all potency within moments of being removed from a bagiennik.
A bagiennik weighs 250 lb., plus a coating of 20 to 50 lb. of
mud and muck

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