Road to Redemption: Overcoming Injury and Fighting Against the Odds

1 year ago

And then four hours later I couldn't move my arm I was like I could get up like here and that was it And so then I go get X-ray MRI and I cracked my collar bone and I had like a separation in my uh SC joint Oh and uh I was like this was 10 days before I was supposed to fight my second contenders fight And I was like dude what am I going to do Like this is terrible And so I go to the athletic trainer at Penn State He's like a magician He's amazing He's worked with the wrestling team for 30 years and he does a lot of like kind of he's a more like Eastern philosophy guy So we're moving energy through it and doing a few different things And um I started to feel a little better feel a little better And I'm about to fly out to Vegas like the next day And I'm like well it's the day before I'm about to the two days before I'm about to fly out I'm like okay if I wake up tomorrow and I don't feel significantly better like I'm going to have to pull out this

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