"I am the vine, you are the branches"- An interview with embalmers, from around the world.

1 year ago

An interview with Laura Jeffery (Canada), Richard Hirschman (USA) and John O’Looney (UK) to discuss what embalmers, around the world, are finding in the bodies of the deceased during the last 4 Covid-19 years.

Laura Jeffery, is a funeral director and embalmer from Ontario, Canada.

Richard Hirschman, is a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama, USA with 22 years experience in embalming.

John O’Looney is a funeral director from Milton Keynes, England with 18 years experience.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- What did Richard Hirschman find in the bodies of the deceased in 2021, which was unusual? Well, for the first 20 years of his embalming experience he was used to seeing blood clots in about 10-15% of the deceased. They would present like grape jelly, and not firm. However, around March/April 2021, he started noticing white fibrous looking structures in the veins and arteries.

- Richard checked with other embalmers, in 2021, and they were seeing it too, and they confirmed they had never seen anything like it before.

- Richard shows us 4 vials of white fibrous structures, each sample was from a different body. They were all collected from the deceased, in the last 30 days, ie in November/December 2023. One sample was 27 inches long, and came out of an artery.

- Richard tells us he is finding these abnormal clots (white fibrous structures) in 50 % of the bodies he is embalming.

- There was a blood clot survey done by Thomas Haviland in January 2023, in which 70% of the embalmers acknowledged they were also seeing these white fibrous stuctures. (see References below).

- Has Richard ever pulled anything like these white fibrous structures from a child. No, but Richard has found “dirty blood” in a five year old. He has found what he calls coffee grounds in the blood of babies, which may be micro clots.

The youngest deceased person that, he has embalmed, that had the white fibrous structure, was a 20 year old.

- Richard points out that FOIA documents showed that the CDC knew about blood clots and heart issues in May 2021, which was just after he was first seeing these abnormal clots. That was prior to the mandates.

- Did Richard see overall an increase in deaths in 2021 compared to prior years? Yes he did, and January 2021 was the busiest month he had ever had in his life. He has never seen so many people die in one month. This correlates with the start of the rollout to the general public in Alabama. But interestingly, he was not seeing the white fibrous clots in that month, he saw them a couple of months later.

- Richard is seeing a lot more people dying of cancer, and dying a lot faster then in the past. It is obvious from the bodies that they don’t look like they have been fighting cancer for 3 – 5 years. And more children deceased from cancer.

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