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Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony-Robert Sepehr (Jan 30, 2021) See more Vids, Books in Details
Operation Highjump was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, lasted six-months (Aug 1946 – Feb 1947), and included 4,700 armed personnel, thirteen ships and thirty-three aircraft. Still classified and officially titled the United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their covert mission was to seek out and destroy an alleged subterranean South Polar colony established by Germany, before and during WW2, which not only harbored thousands of scientists in a semi-secret secluded base, but free energy technology and advanced propulsion craft (UFOs).
Vril Society and the Secret Space Program
• Secret Space Program Disclosure and the Vril Society - ROBERT SEPEHR
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• Is there a Galactic Federation? - ROBERT SEPEHR -
Mae Brussell was an American radio personality with a career spanning from 1971-1988, where she addressed topics ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to anomalies concerning Antarctica and thee UFO phenomena.
Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author --
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SOURCE For this video: Robert Sepehr's youtube page:
0:02 [Music] 0:39
My Name is ROBERTRobert Sepehr - i'm at the beautiful lake shrine of the self-realization fellowship on sunset boulevard in malibu california i hope you're enjoying the scenery welcome to another atlantean gardens [Music] episode
0:59 [Music]
lakes provide a critical habitat for an amazing array of plants and animals establishing a viable food chain including bacteria algae plankton insects fish reptiles birds and mammals lake biodiversity varies in different parts of the earth but even though these habitats account for just over three percent of the earth's surface many of them support human life one often
one often overlooked part of the planet which happens to have hundreds of lakes is antarctica while most of these are subglacial meaning below up to two miles of ice antarctica also has some relatively small regions that are clear of any ice and snow and there's some surface lakes in these areas which were warm enough to swim and fish in even the lakes deep below the ice are teeming with life such as lake vostok the largest antarctic lake which does not get any sunlight and may have been isolated for millions of years the reason is underwater volcanic vents eject minerals which sustain bacteria and plankton which besides providing food to fish and other organisms also create oxygen another life-sustaining element
which makes some of the most remote submerged parts of antarctica theoretically habitable by humans i say theoretically because of persistent yet officially unproven rumors that have been circulating since the alleged end of world war ii that maintained many of the most technologically elite german forces did not surrender to the allies in 1945 but survived in secret bases below the ice near the south pole it's relatively easy for many to dismiss this possibility because of the high degree of censorship not only of the mainstream media but also in hollywood and academia both of which also are subject to government propaganda in the name of national security it
seems logical that the subject of antarctica remains largely classified given the military defeat the allies suffered in 1946 and 47 while trying to locate and eradicate any surviving colonies established by the germans code named operation high jump the united states and several allied nations sent an armada consisting of three aircraft carriers along with support vessels destroyers submarines and 4 500 armed troops led by admiral byrd to noy schwabenland the name of the antarctic territory annexed by nationalist germany during the 30s after the fall of the soviet union maps have leaked into the public domain allegedly obtained by this kgb
during their capture of berlin which gave directions on not only how to navigate under the ice to reach these bases but maps of subterranean habitable land masses which the germans refer to as asgard a mythical underground oasis which legends claim were inhabited by nordic looking gods as the modern field of ufos has recently gained a degree of credibility with validation of unidentified craft by the pentagon and disclosures of lunar and martian bases by a retired israeli official which is covered in a prior video that i'll leave a link to in the description the subject has been around
for decades and was diligently covered by journalists even before the advent of the internet as we know it one such researcher was mae brussel who had a radio program that broadcast from california in the 70s and 80s and while many people will not be familiar with her work i'd like to play an excerpt where she discusses some of the events surrounding world war ii including admiral byrd and his military invasion of the south pole there's a situation that has been brewing for a long long time and i'm going into the history down there and the predictions of admiral byrd in 1946 and 1947 that world war iii would start down in
antarctica by the falkland islands with argentine antarctica and in that area he knew and said in a press conference two press conferences in san diego chile in march of 1947 again in july 1947 that world war three would be set off down in that area well when admiral byrd got home he was met by james forrestal the secretary of defense two years later forestall was murdered
thrown out of a window at bethesda hospital two months after he got a distinguished medal from eisenhower forestall was with admiral byrd on consultations byrd went down to see if eisenhower and the russians were correct that adolf hitler was down in antarctica building secret weapons and so forth all of the papers of admiral byrd are locked up top secret to this day they're not available of what he saw and right after he was met by forestall shortly after that forest all was murdered and i'll give you the references on some of the books on thedeath of Forrest Hall and the meeting with admiral byrd first of all the guinness book of records at the end of world war ii the greatest unsolved robbery was at the end of the war
when the reich bank treasury was emptied of all its money and the bank vaults in berlin were completely emptied out and the headquarters for the world monetary fund in basil Switzerland found that they had 15 billion dollars in circulation that shouldn't exist there was forged money the code name was operation bernhard there were expert forgers and so that this is the kind of money that could finance the operations that they're describing in this book the prelude to the operations was that the money was available and somebody was making the equipment for these people that this book is writing about and manufacturing secret weapons for the future now this book claims that
hitler planned far ahead to have a colony down in antarctica and if you buy the maps put out by national geographic 1957 there's a map of hitler staking in 1939 1937 his territory in antarctica he sent polar expeditions out this book says the secret nazi expeditionary force was headed by capitan reisher r-i-t-s-c-h-e-r and took place 1937 and 38 their first expeditions they landed in the queen maud land and established bases there they took over 11 000 photographs for map purposes and had a swastika flag dropped every 20 kilometers tosubstantiate the german claim that they had this land in antarctica it was a terrain
claimed by germany germany itself for the first time and they found warm lakes an ice-free oasis and an area an unexplored area before that they gave german names the mountains and the plateaus and so forth it was free of ice and there were warm lakes in this area and other books that i have show the drawings now added to the creedence to these bases are the remarks of mr von ribentrop this book says at the outbreak of the war world war ii in accordance with germany's long-range political strategy we have taken into firm possession the antarctic area called the new swabia and it will be and ensure a safe retreat in case of necessity mr ribbentrop said at the beginning of world war ii and this book has maps of the bird expedition going down after the war they said antarctica would be an ideal place for bases there was no rust no germs no illnesses or decomposition no
bacillus no flies no bugs and not even a common cold would survive it would be a perfect place to live and they show the food and the trays for somebody like adolf hitler who was a vegetarian now this book shows in january 1947 pictures that admiral byrd took of headquarters in antarctica
now this book asked the question how could all this have taken place in the 20th century without detection hardly they say what steps were taken to discover the truth question mark what has been done about the secret basis about their existence why did the world not hear about these incredible events obviously hitler's escape was soon discovered by others there were statements of stalin and eisenhower and quoted sources and they speculate the nuremberg trial was staged as a to show that they had surrounded and rounded up these particular nazis washington moscow and london decided that they had to go down to antarctica to investigate what was happening so they used the excuse of scientific
work and set up a large expedition with four thousand specially selected elite united states navy troops with an eight-month food supply 13 ships under the control of admiral byrd to make in quotes a scientific expedition composed of military types and no scientists the u.s antarctic battle fleet left norfolk virginia december the 2nd 1946 as battle groups in england and norway also sent forces down churchill and this is a
statement of wisdom churchill and this comes in later to the ufos and the bases and the confusion of ufos that have continued since churchill at that time spoke of the iron curtain in 1946-47 he said in quotes the crusaders in europe this is a quote killed the wrong pig end quote churchill realized they should have destroyed bolshevik russia and not germany the general public was told that this was a research mission to locate uranium and to study the weather admiral byrd undertook this with the armed observation camps that were set up because the pole the south pole lies between us and our enemies and they considered
in 1947 the enemies germany and the nazis that had gone down there during the war and after the war and that they would be troubled later and they wanted to find out these were continuous enemies because they didn't believe the war was over and they went down there further questioning as to who the enemy was was asked 7th in san diego chile of admiral byrd in quotations from el mercurio a newspaper down there and he said the axis powers had been only defeated and had unconditionally surrendered but he really realized that they would rise again and he had an interview in the paper in san diego chile it was soon learned that the scientific
job the mission the task of observing the activities of the foreign power nazi germany in the south pole region was part of the activity that admiral byrd reported back he wanted in quotes to break the last desperate resistance of adolf hitler in case we find him inside his new schwaben land in the queen wildland region we will destroy him in their spanish books out at the time hitler esta vivo the united states expedition arrived and landed in antarctica and with them the latest in military gear and gadgets so you see it was a warfare military
operation at that time this isn't new to the united states or great britain bases were established and quickly expanded now after they set up their bases and set up their equipment the instruments went totally haywire the performance gauges the altimeters behaved in a most erratic manner causing animal bird to abort the flight and return to his base on visual controls all the meters weren't working and he couldn't fly airplanes over there it has been reported by papers and sources previously mentioned here that admiral byrd had located the secret nazi base and was approaching it when an incident took place and
...he had to abandon the flight and some of his planes went down he duplicated he saw duplicated and was warned about hitler being there and a new bursters garden called hitler's shangri-la
now it says that 48 hours after he located some of these bases four of admiral byrd's planes were lost some without a trace others without any survivors admiral byrd hastily abandoned all his efforts and disembarked all his force and came home and was forestall who greeted admiral byrd when he returned from that trip in antarctica i have several books on forestall one is
the death of james forrestall by coral simpson they describe it as a murder mystery not fiction the murder of the first secretary of defense JAMES FORRESTAL stole this book came out and let me see if i have the year here by cornell simpson western islands publisher i didn't write down the date that that was published i'll have to give that to you next week if you want they said this murder was the overwhelming result of assassination plot and it it goes into how he fell out of the hospital at bethesda maryland on an alleged suicide but they concluded it was a clear case of murder that's one book on forrest all another one that i have James Forrestal of study of personality and politics by arnold rogo r-o-g-o-w
published in 1963 like macmillan may 22nd 1946 1949 James Forrestal america's first secretary of defense plunged to his death from the 16th floor of bethesda naval hospital he had been put in there for psychiatric treatment and also when bird came home as i say he was put in the hospital for other illnesses i don't know what they called it they described him as an intellectual poser expert on wall street and big business he worked with the power elite forestall had rejected catholicism and converted it's a story of his biography the
controversies of forestall and his death building up to his death at beth as the naval hospital and considering the links of um admiral byrd and the secret papers to the secretary of navy because byrd was an admiral and forestal he was secretary of defense rather he had to report to him and tragedies and secrets
followed everything that byrd set out to do he set out to find the answer to some questions and all of his machinery went astray and planes went down and bodies weren't found and he gave an opinion of what was happening and warned about world war three down there that world war ii never ended and then the fell that he
reported to was dead and forestall had been put in a hospital
the washington post had an article this week or just last week march 30th reagan backs antarctica study
would you believe that's a new story president reagan has affirmed his administration's commitment
to conduct scientific research in antarctica with other antarctica treaty
signers do you have any idea of the budget the united states has milled down to antarctica
since world war ii if you go to the bookstores the federal government bookstores such as a
golden gate in san francisco or the government printing offices get the back literature i have it in my
files a lot of it on books available to antarctica the building there the shipping there the money going there the
equipment going there the united states hasn't let a hunk of ice sit there with a bunch of penguins
on it and pretending we don't know what's going on there this has been a place that is going to
be more in the news we've built it up and built it up and now the chickens are coming home to roost
and i hope you're ready reagan asked the national science foundation to continue a budget
for to manage the antarctic program can you imagine anything so asinine or insulting
as if it hasn't been going on continuously and all that area is charted out and mapped there's a rockefeller plateau
there's the hitler area get your maps on argentine and antarctica
and how close it is to argentine and see what's really going on but the real issue goes back to
what admiral byrd saw and wrote about that is locked up in the archives the truth of what's going to
come out of there is what's locked up that we haven't yet been allowed to see now last week on
this program i talked about the confrontation down at the falkland islands i referred to
books on the ufo the nazi secret weapons the activity down there and the
lining up of alexander hague in particular where his loyalties are and whether or not and the role of the
united states down in the falklands and i claim that the real story has less to do with the falklands than
it has to do with antarctica and if you don't have that broadcast you can get the tape of
540 just last week monday when i left the tape off at the tape center to be duplicated
and printed up the sheets that go with it i stopped at the printers i was reading my newspaper while the copies were being made
and there was the monterey herald the morning paper with jack anderson's article threat to antarctica and he was saying
in effect to paraphrase some of the sentences or give them the quotes he says the
argentine invasion of the falkland islands may be a warm-up for future assault on antarctica
but next time the u.s toes may be tramped on and he goes on to secret cia documents
that point to conditions for the aggression down there and he leaves some of the important ones out but he lists a few
and the cia papers about the oil the argentine desire to have bases down there and to take the falklands and
the controversy with the british and the cia and the argentine destroyers at one time
sought to halt the british research vessels but they didn't succeed and britain held on to the falklands for
a long time and i'll go into a little history of that he says there have been similar tensions over the antarctic
the cia has documents calling overlapping claims of the united kingdom argentine and
chile on the antarctic peninsula and this is about the conflicts going down that what they really want and what
will bring the united states in is antarctica and not the falklands and then jack anderson writes my associate
dale van anta who recently visited antarctica found the argentine has been forceful
in pressing its territorial claims now isn't interesting that he's down there because see the average person thinks that
antarctica is just a lot of ice with a lot of penguins and nothing else going on and all you have to do is get your
national geographic maps going way back for 20 30 years and you realize there's a lot of building construction
and locations and places there that are more than fascinating to study and i mentioned last week the expedition of
admiral bird that was a top secret visit and on the map of antarctica the national geographic one there's an
area that says the most surprising discovery of birds operation called high jump in 1947 was a so-called
oasis here ice free blue and green lakes really inner arms of the sea were scattered
among 300 square miles of bear brown hills brown hills
ice free areas green lakes admiral bird 1947 those were the areas that are top
secret that we're not allowed to see that are locked up or destroyed and those are the areas admiral byrd was
talking about in the chilean press on his way home and then the documents were locked up
you haven't seen much in the last years at all even though these maps have been public for a long time
nobody seemed to take note now last week i was talking about space stations down there and
activity down in that area that has not been in the public eye very much yet but it
will and i want to read just a couple of pages from a book called messengers of deception by
jacques valet a valet wrote this book in 1979 about spaceships he wrote in 1979
let me summarize my conclusions about the ufos he says in the introduction beginning of his
book the ufos are real they are an application of psychotronic technology
they are physical devices used to affect human consciousness and the reason i'm reading this for
those of you that didn't hear the program last week is that there is a lot of literature and a lot of hard evidence
that the ufos are man-made and they're made down in antarctica by the nazis as weapons out of argentine
and in antarctica and with united states technology also in collusion with the united states
air force and nasa and nazi scientists and that's why this area is so important
he says they may not be from outer space they may in fact be terrestrial based
manipulating devices their purpose may be to achieve social changes on the planet their
methods are those of deception systematic manipulation of witnesses and
contactees covert use of various sex and cults
control of channels through which the alleged space messages can make an impact on the
public he says the ufo researchers must realize that this involves he says politics the ufos will
make an impact on our social reality they are part of our political reality
they will show that his book he says will show the brutal consequences of the models
the way the ufos are used the apprehension that will give people leading to the mutilation of
animals that are taking place throughout the western states are part of this psychological manipulation
he said a friend who read this book in manuscript told me not to publish it that's not what america wants to hear he
said america wants the ufo to fly down from heaven like the close encounters of the cur
third kind filled with new hopes for mankind america wants a shiny spacecraft to
replace the deflated balloon of its religious values if ufos
are connected with unexplained mutilation of cattle and with behavior modification on a grand
scale america doesn't want to know about it now he goes into
what in the england began as the martian conspiracy incidentally the arrival of the martians
was a sensational success the orson welles show in new jersey in 1938 the the story of
the martians so a the british intelligence used the title of the martians and he said in his book
it was used by british intelligence during world war ii it had nothing to do with the red planet it's a spy industry created
to keep the allied command informed on the move and the moves and intentions of the
weremots of the german government and it goes into the lies
that the intelligence system needs and the subterfuge and the magic to keep people off their guard and if
ics in london was set up by winston churchill it was called the controlling
system the ics and it was a special it was weaponry by special means of disinformation
and the work of the martians was to manipulate people friends and foe alike and keep them off
their guard now the london control section lcs set up by winston churchill to use
special means was run by a colonel john bevin if they had uh members a
major morley derek morley a financier and financier shipping magnet a major noel
gordon clark they used a professor nowville from
another well-known person in british society and they had links to uh various people in espionage that
went into the middle east colonel uh sir ronald wingate wingate was the son of wingate pasha
of the sudan a cousin of lawrence arabia who was also in british intelligence in the middle east
leading businessmen shipping magnets a millionaire industrialist large spies were used in
the lcs the london control system of winston churchill and they used the number xx double cross
but what they were going to do was manufacture and deliver intelligence that was confusing to
people and the beginning of this spy system during world war ii then was
transferred over to the disinformation department of the ufos and the flying saucers
while the nazis could continue to build those weapons down in argentina or in south america if
they are man-made that's where they're coming from uh jack vale had six consequences social consequences of
this kind of disinformation operation and i'll just read one of these two or two he said the
belief in ufo would widen the gap between public and scientific institutions
someday our society will pay the price for the lack of scientific attention given to the ufo phenomena
that we should have had that the scientific will fight the other person who wants to be spiritual and
break them into where they should have applied the scientific principles and studied it right away
and then he says another motive is the irrational motivations of people based on faith are spreading hand in hand as
things go bad we want to believe in something it has no scientific basis that it's coming from another
planet or another place and we'll hold on to it and it will split us apart on what we believe in i know
this is true because i'll do a lot of research on one subject such as the kennedy assassination and then
other researchers will say well stick to kennedy and don't get to ufos because they're impossible and that's off the
wall and divides you from studying them simultaneously with each other and then coming to the same conclusions or differing
based on actual evidence and that is one of the purposes to divide opinion and break people up
while the activity was going on for those of you who have the book the crime and punishment of ig
farben the large chemical compound that has been written up as being the network for again the the supremacy the end of
world war three finalizing world war ii and controlling us through corporations and chemicals
during world war one uh this uh the chemical compound in germany needed gun powder they needed
salt they had to go to chile for salt peter they had to get synthetic ammonia in
order to make gunpowder and they had to scale the world and find out where to go it they had to convert
pneumonia into nitric acid this is the book on ig farben the munitions industry needed nitric acid and they
looked around for um various areas where they could get it from particularly from chile
and then there was a shortage in nitric acid during world war one and all of a sudden the german admiralty
according this book devised a bold and imaginative plan worthy of the stakes involved the goal
was to capture the british owned falkland islands this was during world war one an
unfortified coaling and supply base for british naval vessels at the tip of south america these
islands were the southernmost hinge of the british blockade standing guard over trade routes from
the west coast of south america to europe their mission was to capture the falkland islands
and they embarked on what they called the battle of nitrogen by going down to chile and south america
and getting the nitrogen they needed for their gun powder the british admiralty learned
of the presence of the ships off of chile and the german commander and they sent down ships and stopped this
grabbing of the falkland islands at the time they were able to put the germans off of grabbing the
falklands which was important the harbor there and for shipping and so forth and it goes into the fact that winston
churchill in his book after the war the world crisis doesn't mention the falkland islands and
they said he apparently didn't know its importance but winston churchill was very much a part
of an area that i'll go into at a later time when the war was over when he said we fought the wrong person
when he helped the nazis he realized he should have fought the soviet union and i don't believe
that winston churchill knew that the falklands wasn't important i think he left it out of his book
because at the end of world war ii the falklands in antarctica were already built up and were getting built up
particularly the antarctica area so that the germans had to turn back and the germans die stuff industry had
to go other places they were looking for bromine chlorine and so forth down in that area but falkland
was important there for raw the war materials in world war one so
you know that it's important right now and it's been an area that we haven't been taught about in our
schools in geography but other people have watched it very carefully the conflict
of the falklands is the sea routes the entree to antarctica antarctica has been built up
for years it was staked out in the 30s by admiral byrd by adolf hitler in
late 30s 38 39 that there is atomic energy down there this desalinated water
there are roads and industry it is a prototype for space stations it
controls that area controls three major seas it is strategic for future
war star wars space wars and yet the british the americans can't really talk about
what it's doing there what the trouble is because we armed this thing secretly we have had secret passes to
get there is one of the best kept secrets of the past 30 or 40 years the bringing
of nazis to this country to antarctica to argentina to south america with the technology
for the weapons for the next war spotlight also has a story britain terrified by gaucho
bomb we told you an article last february 8 argentine had nuclear capability and how
it was achieved and they say now the media is trying to blame the nazis behind it
it's not just nazis alone it's a lot of big money that has allowed the germans to transfer
this technology from germany down to argentina sure the german scientists and the nazis
designed it but it's very important to know that not nazis alone
have made this mess in these various countries the falklands are important because
they're necessary to study for what the major media has kept from you in terms of technology
a military hopes for the area how it'll be controlled because the goal
of adolf hitler and the fourth reich and the borman brotherhood was to can tell control the airways the
satellites the space stations are more important even than any single armies and those
are the places where the launching can be done admiral byrd said it in the 40s it's been proven
and tested down there and that is why it's an important area i have been talking the last three weeks
about the falkland islands and the antarctica connections to argentina and the importance of antarctica
to world affairs this is an area that's been long ignored by persons in
teaching geography teaching history it's up to us to find it for ourselves but i have reason to believe
that antarctica is much more important than we were even directed to find oh here
matthew are we on now you're on should i start over no no you're okay keep going yeah okay
maybe better start over just in case and say it's my brussel broadcast number 543
may the 2nd 1982 just in case it didn't get on the tape uh regarding the falkland islands the
argentine conflict with great britain the last three weeks i've been going into antarctica the importance of antarctica
in terms of history of what's down there of what has been
linking the possible nazi connections the ufo connections the space stations
what is going on in antarctica and some articles in the new york times and a few
other articles very few have brought out the importance of antarctica to the falkland islands and argentina
but this is an area that as i just briefly said before if we were on off
the air i'm not sure at that time we were never taught in geography classes what was going on
in antarctica while there's a lot of literature out about the area i have never really pursued it or looked
for very much in the many articles that have been published except that i do take a bulletin from
the government on antarctica development and do cut out articles from time to time
and this week i went in into depth into three articles that were the national geographic
that i outlined on this particular area to see what i had missed in the past to go back and just look at
some of the things that are happening down in there because i do think it has a lot to do with controlling the entire
area what argentine would have if they would get great britain out of the area what they would be controlling in terms
of not only oil and mineral and resources but what else is going down there now
the march 1964 national geographic had a section on operation deep freeze
that began in 1963 that was the year that john kennedy was assassinated that was quite a long time
ago and they used those controversial lockheed c-130s to take large staffs of people down to
antarctica the c-130s came into the news recently with regards to
the western airline and neil burke and the delivery of c-130s these huge transports to gaddafi
that the government had stopped the shipment we had held them up in atlanta georgia and didn't want gaddafi to have these huge
planes but what i didn't realize was that in 1963 and 1964 the united states had large
c-130 transports that they were taking from andrews air force base which is part of the space
shuttle program down to cape town in south africa and then down to argentina
and there are stations in antarctica five run by great britain at the time four by chile
and three by argentine and that these airplanes could fly 4 700 miles from cape town south africa
and they could carry 3 600 gallons of 3 600 gallons of gasoline or
145 000 pounds of fuel for each plane that the process for delivering large
amounts of equipment was possible as far back as 1963 the
lockheed c-130s those huge transport planes and that they use them according to the national
geographic to take a lot of equipment down to antarctica and also to study
the stresses of hostile environment for possible use in space which i read later in the new york times
just several weeks ago the importance of antarctica in terms of space laws or
how to manage space colonies the laws that apply to antarctica or to
space colonies or colonies on the moon but this goes way back the development
began a long time ago and the technology for moving large amount of people and equipment began and
this one national geographic article says that antarctica will serve as a way station between south africa and australia it was serving this was early in 1963 and in 1962 we had begun to send the huge transports and one of the first people to go down there with this operation of the c-130s was lowell thomas who was a famous newscaster who was strongly identified and linked with the cia another article i read about antarctica that was even more interesting the national geographic october 1968 was just a mind boggler and the title of that article that i had is antarctica the icy testing ground for space and i looked at the issue which i never was aware of before of who was on the board of trustees of
the national geographic because this particular article had such shocking information in it in terms of what is happening in other places around the world today and on the board of directors is lawrence rockefella juan tripp that's t-r-i-p-p-e who was chairman of pan-american world airways and that's the airline that was trying to get monopoly of all the routes to south america and down to this area and they fly navy planes down to antarctica this was
in the national geographic article their pan ams are available for the navy to fly down there also this last week eastern airlines was given the route that bran have had to stop the monopoly of pan am throughout entire south america but mr tripp was honorary chairman of the board of pan am world airways was part of national geographic society and
earl warren the great chief justice of the united states in 1968 now earl warren headed the commission to investigate the murder of john kennedy and there were nazis involved in argentine that he covered up in his investigation purposely he had information that he could have pursued down to argentina of the links to lee and marina oswald and to lee oswald in the dallas fort worth area with walter dornberger and the space program the uh werner von braun and the nazis that were linked to bell helicopters aerospace in texas
uh earl warren had covered up the nazi connections of those persons down in argentina and in this area including werner von braun who would travel down to antarctica he was a visitor down to see these station stations that he called future moon stations earl warren is on the board of the national geographic and also curtis lemay former chief of staff of the u.s air force and mr william martin jr chairman of the board of governors of the federal reserve system there's quite an interesting group at james webb of nasa the administrator for nasa and nasa nasa warner von braun and walter dornberger were named in the torben document and another information as one part of the five-prong group that were involved in the killing of john kennedy and the rockefellers had given money and
identification to george de vornshield when he was suspected of being a nazi war criminal he was lee harvey oswald's close associate so on the board of national geographic with the activities going down in antarctica a lot of activity there was lawrence rockefeller and mr tripp from pan am earl warren james webb from nasa and curtis lemay and the head of the federal reserve system now this one article says that over the past 75 years of
national geographic and this was dated 1968 up to 1968 they had more than 70 articles on antarctica and i was never aware myself that there was such a large amount of information accumulated about this particular area what was going on and they said that men now live and work at the south pole they have for dozens of years and there's at least 40 scientific outposts now this was in 1968 that there were four stations there and uh outposts going on all the time down at the south pole this article also said
that they had a nuclear power station in antarctica and i mentioned several weeks ago the possibility and references of the man-made ufos coming out of the antarctic area in the south pole linked to the argentine military regime and the nazis in south America this one national geographic in 1968 said they had a nuclear power station
they had a nickname for it called well it's so ridiculous it was called nuki poo okay that's a nuclear power station that they generate electricity from atomic heat and they distill fresh water from the sea for a settlement of 1 000 men in the summer and 200 during the fierce winter at this one station now national geographic with a long list of scientists on the board in addition these other people is saying that they distill fresh water
from the sea and i'm wondering about droughts in biafra or nigeria liberia kenya ethiopia with masses of starving people huge masses of humanity that you've seen on television on world vision and i've done programs on this before being allowed to die because the area is dried up there's drought there's no food and large groups of christian organizations coming in and teaching them that if they turn to christianity god will save them and huge masses of people 10 to 20
million dying every year from drought and lack of water and how is it possible that they are desalting water for people living down in antarctica either I'm not reading this correctly or there's something going on that most of us are not aware of and i really believe that that is the truth because i know during at the end of world war ii the germans had sulfur medicines and prescriptions that the united states didn't get for a long history of years and there's certain countries that have
cures for conditions and health situations that this country doesn't have and we prolong illnesses where other cures are available in other places now if there is atomic energy down there and if there is fresh water from the desalting then the droughts and the genocide that's going on of the large masses of population has to be purposeful because if you can provide the technology from the tip of the ocean down the south
pole you could be doing the same thing around africa or central america or wherever there's droughts so the this one particular issue in 1968 october 68 talks about dissolving water and that's how they live down there they also this article also talks about biologists from the jet propulsion lab at caltech and how they study psychology and how ben would live under stress
and cramped into isolated spaces for future space stations and colonies up in space and moon colonies well the people like jacques valet have said that the ufos are man-made and the sightings predominantly are coming out of the antarctic area and it seems that there is this tremendous technology that many of us might have overlooked if you could believe national geographic and their sources and again this 1968 issue has a picture of those huge airplanes the c-130 hercules coming in
and supplying laboratories and it says they built the large uh roads and this construction work and it goes into the use of bringing equipment to antarctica in the south pole by the lockheed c-130s and there evidently is a lot more building than we know is going on and it describes the building and the road construction and the housing and the open water that's available and there's a picture of dry areas similar to the mesa in arizona that many of us don't associate with the
south pole this article the same article says the navy chartered pan-american airlines down as early as 1957 down to antarctica and that same issue shows an area in antarctica it says one of the strangest regions in antarctica is the scott coast behind that area there's the towering royal society range there's valleys that are ice free desert like like the mesa lands of the american southwest and it goes in again i described brown hills and clear
water it said right valley and several others like it slope inland rather than to the sea and there's the onyx river a stream that bubbles and it seems to go uphill towards a lake a lake vonda and they telled about tell about drinking water icy water from the the lake and having a hot tub and refreshing themselves on a desert in antarctica that doesn't have snow or ice at all so that you get a different view when
you read some of the back issues which i started to do of antarctica i don't have all 70 that they published up to 1968 but a few of them and in the terms of chronology by 1968 according to this issue traveled antarctica is almost routine travel like going to any distant land in 1968 they started operation deep freeze which was supposed to be scientific research in 1968 the c-130s
had airlifts of scientists and the youth church of these airplanes and they made daily flights around areas uh visiting different stations and the same article refers to diesel bulldozers huge tractors trailer trucks graded roads cargo ships with
icebreakers that came and went and that they had as i say the use of nuclear power down there since 1963 and that they wanted to make a prototype for living future on the moon and that in january 68 werner von braun was there he was there
lots of times but this just mentions one particular time as well as biologists and physicists and psychologists studying people's reactions to living under these cramped conditions so this has been a place of building i knew that there was a lot of money going down constantly i mentioned that on the program before there's a lot of building something that we can't even visualize like how much there is and it could be that jacques valley's interpretation of where those ufos came from could indeed come down from the same place as
the atomic energy that could fuel those very ufos that he says are man-made that are seen all around the world but particularly down in that area another national geographic article in 1976 of june 76 tells about the national foundation night going down there in antarctica in 1966 and it gives a little history of admiral byrd and his first exploration and i talked several weeks ago on the secrecy of
admiral byrd's papers of what he saw in 1946 and 47 that are locked up but he went down there in 1933 this says richard bird spent time down there in expedition he was appointed honorary postmaster of little america and 1928 to 1930.
the national geographic society encouraged and helped finance admiral byrd to go down for his second expedition from 1933 to 1935. so 1928 to 1930
he was encouraged to go down to the south pole in 1933 to 35
was the next expedition so the when the national geographic published a map in 1957 and again 1963
of an area that hitler was anxious to have a german foothold in in 1939
uh that doesn't sound so bizarre why wouldn't adolf hitler stake out a place from 1938 to 39 if admiral albert is down there from 1933 to 35. the americans were down there the
american military were down there the scientists were there so the germans certainly kept up and were more advanced than us on many of the technologies for surviving down there i'm sure and they had the rockets and missiles that we brought to this country as soon as world war ii was over and brought the scientists as many as we could to the united states and to the space program so uh
antarctic area the south pole was not unknown to the germans any more than admiral byrd and it was an isolated thing that they staked out this area and uh began to develop it with all the equipment and huge planes which seems they've been doing all along and as i said before i think the interesting thing is how early the atomic energy was down there we can't seem to get atomic energy going in this country at all and our our plants like the three mile island or down at san luis obispo or 30 other plants have been temporarily shelved or they're not working what techniques do they have down there
that have worked continuously we haven't read about any leaks or any problems and what way do they support themselves with water are they desalting themselves uh the water and drinking out of the same ocean that all of us assume can't be desalted yet maybe they have a technique they've used for 20 or 30 years that has not been shared with the rest of the world that which would be a good tool a weapon uh being able to sustain their own water system obviously that's being done down there and nowhere else it seems in the world or at least we're not told about it another friend sent me an article from national geographic april 1962
and it showed john connolly uh with admiral byrd conley was secretary of the navy and he was active with the astronauts of course and on the stand there's a picture of them old comrades here john conley junior then secretary of the navy praised byrd's determination and sheer grit for going down to antarctica well john conley worked if you've read the torbent document worked with an organization called permandex that worked with nasa and werner von braun who was frequently down in antarctica and walter dorenberger from the dallas fort worth area dornberger lived in texas when john conley left the navy and became the governor of texas and they were both involved in the planning and the cover-up at least the cover-up of the murder of john kennedy and i believe dornberger had an even more insidious role he and warner von braun in that particular assassination but
their national geographic has not only earl warren on the board of directors and works closely with nasa and von braun but john conley is giving accolades to admiral byrd and bert had come home and kept secret his uh relationship to what he saw down there on his military mission that is the really the answer to the future of the falklands or the british
argentine struggle is how much is going on down there and what are we not being told about the area that is the bottom line and i can't begin to guess which way the falkland affairs will come out because it seems that there's a lot of hidden history that has accumulated over the past 37 years that we are not yet privy to they're just little bits and pieces while many of the topics may brussel brings up regarding antarctica are very controversial
especially regarding german ufo technology since the secret of flying saucer propulsion is also the key to the dream of universal free energy which is classified and kept from the general population by oil companies that have maintained a monopoly on energy that said what was arguably even more controversial was her quote regarding churchill when comprehending the degradation of cultural marxism and stalin's totalitarian communism and the mistake of letting him consolidate power churchill reportedly exclaimed we have killed the wrong pig
a similar quote was made by general patton after the end of the second world war when he said that america defeated the wrong enemy of course the powers that be are more afraid of people waking up to the truth about world war ii than any other topic which is evident by the degree of censorship that exists whenever the official narrative is challenged one can't help but wonder what if
churchill patton or the soldiers that died during world war ii could see the world today would they still volunteer to fight with the same patriotism and optimism or would they look at the corrupt media world leaders and question who the real enemy is
My name is robert supper i'm an anthropologist my published work is available on amazon as well as through various other major book outlets they make a great gift if you'd like to support my work you could do that through
57:58 there should be a link in the description section for those that are interested i appreciate it
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