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Mad Maxine

1 year ago

Mad Maxine


  • 0/2000
  • Our second amendment is very clear guns are good politicians 90% of you need to be hung for treason

  • This woman is the devil and should be brought up in charges

  • Keep violating with my first amendment rights I will have me allow suit against oh rumbled too

  • That is one ugly bitch, inside and out.

  • Isn’t Maxine the one that told all the homeless people to go home?

  • Why is she looking up like that? She must be reading a Teleprompter

  • Mad Maxine is the essential democRat that has accurately predicted the Deep Statist Demoncrazy from BHO-CiA's Brennan surveillance bribery database to dragging Trump out of the WH in 2021. Ignore her info at your peril, RNC rinoRats are Quislings who will collaborate with their Rat Cousins. MAGA and We,Me,You have a Fight on Our hands. Trump WON 2020 but like Kari Lake in 2022 still was Denied and Mooted from their, Our legitimate choice of representation. Coup Demoncrazy is the current USSA...... THE REALITY of Mad Maxine, Comrades. Genearly.substack.com

  • one hell of a whig

  • Who dug MW up?

  • Ape.

    1 like
  • Unbelievable, Maxine Waters has the odassity to imply that she cares for the American people. I seem to recall her, not that long ago, inciting violence towards American citizens that don't agree with her or the Democratic narrative. So what if Boebert moves to another district, this is still America and she has every right to do so. couldn't it just be that she no longer feels aligned with her constituents and feels that they might prefer another candidate more aligned with their vision?, so she's stepping out of the way and in so doing, serving her constituents. Maxine Waters and all the others I've heard on this subject sound like they need to infuse the story with their typical leftist hyperbole and rhetoric to make this sound like more than it actually is. This is still America and people can vote for whoever they want (provided the DNC is unable to achieve voter interference like they did in 2020). If you don't want to vote for Boebert, don't. If you don't want to vote for a corrupt president, don't vote for Biden. It's your choice (until it isn't).

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  • Deep state's war pigs Albright, KILLARY, daddy's girl Cheney, Rice, Nuland, Harris, Haley, Haines, Hill, PIGlosi, AOC, Applebaum, Blackburn, Duckworth, Jankowicz, Flournoy, Farkas, Jarret, Lee, Power, Warren, Waters, Williamson, Yellen, Pritzker, Wasserman-Schultz, Plaskett... Nurses Ratched...just like witches at black masses.. Remember the sick bitch Albright saying that half a million dead children was worth the regime change war in Iraq? https://rumble.com/vya5yf-albright-the-price-dead-children-was-worth-it.html Women Command Top CIA Ranks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9KK6zzvYyI The TERRIFYING Female Guards Of The Concentration Camps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZU9ksjylcQ Killary "Rotten" Clinton Complains About "Men Starting Wars": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Im95wmmu8M "Women have always been the primary victims of war." -Killary "delusional" Clinton, 1998

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  • Who invited Al Sharpton in drag? Grandma Grouper?

  • That woman is so ugly she would have to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her. I know that’s an old saying, but it sure fits.

  • Tis the season for TREASON. This evil cow will pay for hers.