Is the Lord the Ultimate Time Lord ?

1 year ago

Is the Lord the Ultimate Time Lord ?
Find out the KEYS to the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space )
how praying in tongues is the 'keys' to the 4th dimension (where the Lord operates from and creates stuff to translate from the 4th dimension into the 3rd dimension.
In other words the SPIRIT realm is the CREATIVE realm where the Lord speaks the word and it by FAITH is CREATED .
If you want to 'see into the future' and 'see strategies of the 'dark side' before they happen then learn to 'tap into' the Spirit realm that Time and space is eternal .
Use the KEYS to be able to 'SEE INTO THE SPIRIT' and discover your timeline (according to the Lord himself) and to be able to foil all attempts of the 'dark side' to attack you .
Learn how to develop the TEFLON ARMOUR of the LORD .
Graham Healy

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