“The Pause” | 45+ #Reminder (Check Description)

6 months ago

“The Pause” | 45+ #Reminder

Lol I guess just another coincidence to some but absolutely a hat tip to Anons..

“It Had To Be This Way”-XVII

45+ is preventing Civil War.
If you can’t see that well Idk wtf to tell you.

Go back & see how he’s compared himself to Andrew Jackson who said America did not & should not have had a civil war. It’ll lead you to the 50k foot view.. the bigger picture.

This isn’t simply about taking back the right or left wing political agenda lol

It’s about taking back America & what’s best for every citizen. We fight for those whom are still comfortably asleep, have TDS, and literally hate our guts.

Knuckle & Buckle Up MotherF*ckers
2024 is going to be BIBLICAL.
Prepare yourself & know I’ve got your back. You’re the furthest thing from alone and I pray most of you know that by now. If not stfu & keep digging Newbie.

WE NEED MORE LIONS.. | #FrontLines 🖕🐸

[They] Underestimated YOU
Now [They] LOSE.
#ScorchedFKNEarth #NCSWIC #PAIN


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