IWR News for December 29th: Over 4 Billion Dead – A Projection, Or a Target?

6 months ago

This week in news that mainstream media won't report and our government doesn't want you to hear...
• Over 4 Billion Dead?
• Record Cold Temperatures Deny Global Warming
• Government Spends $2B on Faulty Antigen Tests
• Trudeau Must Go: Record Petition Hits Almost 400,000
• Gov. Spends Half A Billion on CERB Recovery
• How Likely are Lab Leaks? And Should We Be Worried?
• How They Hide Chemtrail Flights
• Liberals Give Medal to Misogynistic Trans Woman
• Hundreds of Toddler Referred to Gender Reassignment Clinic
• AI Surveillance in Our Schools
• How to Detox From Graphene Oxide
• Globalist Depopulation Agenda Falls Well Short of Goal
• Trudeau's Tampons: An International Embarrassment

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