Foundations - The Morality of Time 2023-09-10

6 months ago

This Sabbath, I want to deal with a subject, that should be clear to "the Israel of God" yet one that many respected teachers, preachers "theologians" have muddied up. Whether it's by tradition, genuine ignorance, or knowingly, the results are the same. Covenant blessings are missed, and the one who initiated breaking the Covenant, is well satisfied.

Scripture parallels our Covenant connection with Marriage; a Moral Issue. Divorce rates are similar in the world as in the church; this often being attributable to not really knowing each other first, and time reveals there was no genuine love, and or moral traits of character, that are unendurable. With this in mind, is it wise to marry someone you have only read the texts of? Not likely. The most solid relationships, are formed with "quality time" spent together.

As the perspective Bride of Christ (the Israel of God), wouldn't spending Quality Time with Him such as the 7th-day Sabbath He appointed, be a moral issue? What if He set appointments, for the purpose of preparing for marriage, and His perspective Bride, ditched those appointments, because His rival for her attentions, told her to? Would that be a moral issue?

We hope you can join us for a Historical, Bible and Spirit of Prophecy dive into answering these questions.

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