Now they are operating overtly December 28th 2023 Update

1 year ago

FYI: When you become as persecuted as I clearly am censorship and shadowbanning, view counter manipulation is a 100% guarantee, obviously why all my social media including the supposedly free ones, completely throttled in every which way possible, my content, on behest of the powers that be!

The powers that be, are clearly operating overtly in many regards, in this video I go through some of the material and extrajudicial measures, that are being acted out directly against me, illegally by the powers that be.

1: Prohibiting me from earning any money throughout December 2023

2: The national announcements by the government to the entire population of Denmark, not to do business with me, or even go on my website
3: Outright prohibiting me for weeks on end, for receiving my post and packages, furthermore sabotaging a.k.a. damaging abort spectrum analyzer TinySA ultra FYI: a must have for any targeted individual.

4: Government and intelligence agency PET publicly asking/coercing members of the public, to make police reports against me, not for crimes, however for the videos that I produce and publicize regarding the illegal and public persecution of me Stephen Bell, all in an effort to fabricate grounds for the police authority to take away my hunting license, without there being any cause or merit.

5: The North Jutland police of Denmark, are attempting to prohibit me from gaining full access to the documents pertaining to these reports against me for none crimes, regardless of the outcomes, yet to be decided by the District Attorney, eventually the court if they continue to impede me to gain access to my own records.

These are the active measures that I, in this video talk about furthermore provide documentation for, as you may notice? things are clearly becoming more overt, which means I can respond more forcefully in contrast to when it’s just propaganda and PSYOP, so people can expect to see more action taken by me, against this flagrantly illegal social and political persecution of me, with the
targeted individual program being used publicly.


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