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Hand Flapping & Toe Walking ELIMINATED In 3 Weeks With Natural Homeopathic Remedy

1 year ago

Amazing results in only 3 weeks using very specifically chosen natural homeopathic medicine for a child with autistic symptoms. Fernando Gigliotti at new leaf homeopathic medicine in Burlington Ontario. Autism, ASD, and delays in your child will typically respond very well to the correct homeopathic remedy. It is natural, side effect free, and permanent. Homeopathy UNLOCKS your child’s mind and is a strong alternative to IBI and ABA therapy. We speak specialize in children’s health, with special interest in autism and speech delays in kids. We do not try to be everything to everyone and only focus on classical homeopathic medicine, not on bottles of vitamins, supplements, and diet elimination. We treat children all throughout the world through online skype consultations. See how we can change your child with autism’s life!


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