IDF reservists and Border Police officers operated overnight in the Nur Shams

5 months ago

IDF reservists and Border Police officers operated overnight in the Nur Shams refugee camp near the West Bank city of Tulkarem, detaining wanted Palestinians and seizing weapons, the military says.

Troops located an explosives lab in the area, with dozens of primed IEDs and other equipment, according to the IDF.

The IDF says the soldiers also seized makeshift rockets and some 30 firearms in the building.

The building housing the explosive lab was later destroyed in a controlled manner by combat engineers, the army says, adding that one suspect living there was detained.

Another seven wanted Palestinians have been detained so far in the operation in Nur Shams, the IDF says.

Palestinian gunmen opened fire and hurled explosives devices at the troops amid the operation. One soldier was lightly hurt by shrapnel.

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