Rt Hon Andrew Bridgen MP exposes WHO Takeover of every Sovereign State

1 year ago

The New World Order was never actually a conspiracy theory, is was a well thought out planned agenda designed to depopulate the areas of the world especially where Britain wanted to colonize.
You can trace this agenda back to the first holocaust in Europe back to Ireland in the 1840's with the Malthusian British Establishment and Field Marshal Sir Edward Blakeney who exploited and starved the Irish people to death -
It was a huge famine that lasted for years with Irish feelings still reverberating to this day.
It was the main reason why many Irish left for the United States at this time.
(Britain already had two wars with America, 1776 and later in 1812)
Blakeney was even rewarded for his genocidal behaviour by Queen Victoria.
She was widely despised at the time as the working class Brits didn't fair much better than the Irish in Victorian Britain especially when young children were forced to climb into clean chimneys and work long hours in factories just after the Industrial Revolution. This was also at the same time Britain extracted as much gold and mineral wealth from her then colony, India which was often referred to as the 'Jewel in the Crown' and occurred over several decades with much loss of life up to 1947 with India's Partition and subsequent Independence. Just like Blakeney before him, Sir Cecil Rhodes helped to exploit Southern Africa for its diamonds and two wars, the first and second Boer Wars.
De Beers was established there with funding from N.M. Rothschild & Sons in 1887.
Britain through the Sassoon/Rothschild joint family exploited China from 1857 with the Opium Wars. Britain used heroin to destablize China.

Here are just a few historical cases of one small country and her Empire that used famine, wars, drug addiction and outright theft over a relatively short period to seal power and wealth.

Today's Globalist cabal want pretty much of the same only with extras.....

No free will.
No free expression.
No free thought.
Own nothing, (be happy)
No shelter
More wars.
More famine.
More plandemics.
They have no loyalty to any country with maybe one exception with a hypocritical belief of Globalist control.

BUT there are still a small dwindling number of decent Officials that cross the political divide and who do occasionally show up to defend and fight for the exploited man on the street even to the cost to their careers.
Andrew Bridgen is one and before him was one other, Michael Meacher (RIP).

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