Japan’s Government Approved Record Defense Budget of 56 Billion Dollars for Next Year

5 months ago

12/23/2023 DW news: Japan's government has approved a record defense budget of 56 billion dollars for next year that makes the Asian country the world's biggest military spender after the United States and China. Tokyo also loosened its arms exports restrictions. The changes are part of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's efforts to boost the country's military capabilities against the increasing threats from North Korea and China.
12/23/2023 德国之声消息:日本政府批准了明年创纪录的560亿美元国防预算,这使得这个亚洲国家成为继美国和中共国之后世界上最大的军费开支国。东京还放松了武器出口限制。这些变化是首相岸田文雄为增强国家军事能力以应对来自朝鲜和中共国日益增加的威胁而做出的努力之一。

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