VIDEO 3 - Recorded on 12/19/2023

1 year ago

This video is recorded 4k@60 and consists of 2 x 1920x1080 video camera sources for the bottom quarters of the frame and 1 x 3840x1080 screen capture for the top half. I'm using dual audio sources consisting of a Yeti Blue Microphone assigned to the right audio channel that is sitting on my desk to the right hand, rear side of my very audible mechanical keyboard with the Logitech StreamCam Pro microphone assigned to the Left audio channel which is positioned to my left at chin level or so.

The purpose of these videos titled 'VIDEO 1 - 4' is to document the fraud taking place in an IRREFUTABLE way due to the fact that what I am presenting here is impossible to fraudulently create - This is especially true due to the time frame of when I recorded this and when it is being released - Meaning it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to edit this together somehow due to the fact that it is made up of multiple video and audio sources. These multiple sources of video and audio contain absolutely zero adjustments at all in terms of any audio delay compensations or frame caching meaning that all of the associated delays and slight timing inconsistencies are all present in the content which was all recorded simultaneously in 'one shot'

These videos serves as solid documentation of the fraud taking place which is being assisted by the likes of Google, YouTube, and the Internet Archive (among many others) while also serving as a form of permanently archiving all the currently distributed YouTube videos in their current state so that they are unable to start deleting or changing any of them without it becoming very obvious. I've essentially 'locked them in' to their current BS narrative. In VIDEOS 1-3 I very clearly go through live downloads of various YouTube videos in which I process the exif metadata and show you the many discrepancies in these FRAUDULENT - BACKDATED YouTube videos being posted to support the CRIMINAL FRAUD being carried out by Netflix, Inc. all because they would rather destroy my life than simply approach me and make an offer / pay me for the patent I was granted on February 14th, 2023 which is for the EXACT SAME THING as the patent which they were granted on November 7th, 2023 - Which in fact has my name listed at the very top of it (right above 'Kanye Omari West'...I shit you not..) due to the fact that I successfully filed a 3rd Party Prior Art Submission against Netflix on Febrauary 17th, 2023 - 3 days after my patent was officially granted.

Here is complete documentation of my 3rd Party Prior Art filing which even includes all of the certified mail I sent to 6 Netflix executives as well as the others involved -

**HERE IS A COMPLETELY INSANE GRAPH I ASSEMBLED** showing all of the government agencies and military defense contractors who are searching directly for my LinkedIn profile which includes 2 searches by Lockheed Martin, 2 searches by DARPA, Defense Intelligence Agency, US State Department, 4 searches by the US Air Force, The US Army, 2 searches conducted by USC Cinema where Paul Debevec is a professor, multiple WEF affiliated companies, huge financial firms including Morgan Stanley, Forbes, and Moody's Analytics....and I can't forget the craziest of all LUCKY FUCKING LARRY 'Silverstein Properties'...seriously W....T....F

Here is solid PROOF of the FRAUD taking place -

Here is the initial PDF I put together in Illustrator and modeled in Rhino 3D and which is in fact what became my 'provisional patent' filing document when I first though up the entire concept back in early Feb of 2021 -

Here is my patent that was granted on Valentines Day 2023 -

Here is the Netflix patent that was granted on November 7th, 2023 but technically should not have been due to the fact that it is for the exact same thing as my patent (which I filed just 12 days earlier than Netflix..) -

Here is an in depth comparison and analysis of the two patents I personally assembled -

Here is a chatGPT analysis and opinion of my patent in terms of it's significant implications in Military Training Simulations (which helps to make sense of the crazy searches that are occurring of my LinkedIn profile..) -

Here is a detailed overview of my 'standoff' with police and SWAT on January 21st, 2023 after I became convinced I was going to be killed and all of my devices were being hacked into, my phone calls were being connected to people other than who I thought I was getting connected to, even after I deactivated my WiFi adapter and unplugged completely from the internet my computer was still being accessed locally somehow over Bluetooth I realized, etc, etc (just look at the's crazy. Very crazy..)

Here is the police report I filed just 9 days before my 'standoff' -

Here is some of the the evidence I collected for 'PhotoRobot' during the '1st Round' of fraud which contains plenty of symbology including 666's 333's and even a file named '911' with no extension that was contained in almost all of the full HTML downloads I saved directly from the WebArchive which I would later discover was actually an image of the 2nd plane coming in for the other tower on 9/11 after automatically converted it to an image while I was archiving the Internet Archive...I shit you not -

Here is a bunch of the evidence and various academic papers I collected during 'Round 2' of the fraud which began on August 8th after I just happened to stumble upon a SF ACM-SIGGRAPH presentation that named Netflix and Eyeline Studios which I immidiately scanned through searching for a rotating treadmiill and ended up finding at the 59:00 mark - except it wasn't being presented as Stephan Trojansky or Netflix's new technology but instead supposed research that Paul Debevec conducted all the way back in 2006 which just so happens to mirror the key elements as well as the technological achievements of moth my patent as well as the Netflix patent which was in fact the entire reason for Eyeline Studios - which Debevec is now representing in the SIGGRAPH video without ever disclosing the fact that he was and may still be the Vice President of ACM SIGGRAPH in addition to the fact that he just suddenly decided to quit his job with Google research to move over to Netflix for a newly created role (just for him..). It's complete bullshit on it's face. I collected a massive amount of approximately 250 academic papers in the same field of research spanning early 2000's to current as well as multiple videos and online publications I found using Yandex and a VPN over the span of August 12-15th. I then signed up for another two week demo trial of MAXQDA which I used to sort through the documents by searching for specific words (such as 'treadmill'..). Here are the results - which also include a massive amount of satanic and Freemason symbology as they are littered with 666's throughout as a 'secret signal' I beleieve since I was never supposed to find them in the first place. -

Here is the 'main' fraudulent 2006 academic paper by Paul Debevec which is also littered with symbology and numerology. This paper was also accompanied by two videos which I prove are 100% ai generated which serves to instantly discredit any and all additional supporting content in which they appear - which is MANY. The most obvious issue though is that they never created any additional images / content / etc to further establish the credibility they are so desperately trying to establish as all you see continuously and repeatedly spanning across literal 'decades' of YouTube videos is THE SAME EXACT VIDEO CLIPS AND IMAGES OVER AND OVER AND OVER. NOTHING BUT THE SAME EXACT AND 'ORIGINAL' CLIPS FROM THE SUPPOSED 2006 RESEARCH.....SERIOUSLY... -

Here are the 3 patents that Paul Debevec was in fact granted for his 'Light Stage' technology in 2005, 2008, and 2015 - The only problem being that none of the patents contain any of the key terminologies or words that would be REQUIRED in order for his claimed 2006 research (which is in fact entirely centered around his Light Stage technology) to be functional in any way - the most obvious missing term being the word 'TREADMILL'.....I lay all of it out clear as day by using even more MAXQDA. It doesn't become more obvious tthan this right here....

Here is the last LinkedIn search that occurred the week prior leading up to my intentional Police and SWAT 'standoff' which includes Forcepoint, 3Gimbals, and a 3rd search by FOX -

Here is a comparison I assembled of Paul Debevec's supposed 2006 'research' compared to the technology contained within my patent as well as the Netflix patent so that we are very easily able to see it's the EXACT SAME THING which makes use of the key element of both - that being the rotating treadmill itself -

Here is my communication with US Senator Amy Klobuchars office attempting to get help (I have been attempting to get help from the FBI, local police, Secret Service, etc, etc, etc to no avail...) but I'm obviously on my own which is why I had to conduct my own investigation by myself, and which is the reason I am simply making all of this public and hoping it starts catching people's attention and get's views. This Substack post in which I share all communication I have with Klobuchars office also proves the fact that I was setup with a self proclaimed 'former CIA' local welder who helped me weld my prototype. They have been tracking me the entire time -

Here is my personal portfolio site as well as some background of who I am as a person which includes the many accomplishments I have had prior to all of this happening and all of these 'powerful people' attempting to completely destroy my life -

Here are pictures and documentation of what I was busy doing prior to suddenly becoming 'Schizophrenic and Psychotic' (as determined by the courts to deprive me of my RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL..) - I single handedly designed, engineered, sourced parts, fabricated, wired, and programmed a fully functional prototype of the EXACT same rotating treadmill design and system that is detailed in my patent. I was literally 'Minding My Own Business' as I was excitedly working non-stop to build my prototype and business in my apartment while the world went mad outside due to the covid Scamdemic -

Here is my Substack post dedicated to ways you can help me out financially if you are able to or see fit. As of writing this I still need to finish providing the details and setting up the GiveSendGo campaign and adding the BTC and ETH addresses but I will have completed shortly (I am writing this on Dec 28th..) -

Even if you are unable to help out financially you can still help me out a lot simply by sharing this with as many people as possible. I need to find attorneys, I need to source a 3rd party mental health specialist that can help me defend myself against the courts, I need money to be able to live as well as to be able to keep my business dealing 'afloat', I need to find new IP council and representation to respond to the office action that has been issued on my continuation patent application already (I need to completely re-craft the claims and respond to the office action by March 5th, 2024 as it was issued on Dec 5th, 2023..) , etc, etc.

This is literally David vs Goliath and I am hoping enough people see this and are able to help me and help this whole thing get the attention it deserves. Thanks for reading. PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE !

I don't think it's crazy at all to assume my personal safety and well being are currently at great risk. I'm obviously dealing with complete psychopaths... The more people that know about my situation and what is all taking place right now I believe may help to keep me safe so that I don't randomly disappear or have some sort of 'sudden medical incident' occur. It's also worth mentioning that I am in very good health overall, suffer from zero ailments, diseases, significant health issues of any kind and that I DID NOT TAKE THE COVID VAXX AND HAVE NOT TAKEN A SINGLE 'VAXX' OF ANY KIND FOR AT LEAST THE LAST 15 YEARS PLUS THAT I CAN REMEMBER AT ALL (cause I never go the doctor unless I am sick..). I ALSO COMPLETELY QUIT DRINKING EVER SINCE A PROFOUND DMT EXPERIENCE I HAD BACK IN LATE 2018 WHICH ALSO RESULTED IN ME SIGNING UP FOR MY FIRST GYM MEMBERSHIP EVER AND GETTING IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE. I haven't taken dmt since and don't feel the need to at all but prior to the 3 minute long 'lightspeed journey through the lab where my dna was coded into existence' I always used to have a routine of going to a bar, any bar, to have a shot of whiskey, and a couple beers to 'relax' which I eventually came to to realize I simply no longer did or wanted to do following the experience - Just keepin it real yo ;-)

If you browse through all of my Substack posts you will very quickly realize that I am literally 'putting it all out there' in terms of being as transparent and open as possible which includes sharing the full, un-redacted bullshit psychological exams that were written about me which are obviously bullshit but which also share a great deal about my past in terms of the many adversities and personal struggles I have overcame in order to arrive at this current point in my life. I am someone who has worked nonstop and who never gives up. I am a high school dropout, and college dropout who is completely self educated to the point that I not only was able to think up the idea, file the patent, create all the drawings used, etc but then also design, engineer, fabricate, wire, and program a fully working prototype of the EXACT same design that is shown in my patent - the only difference being that I had to add an additional 1/2" to the overall height of the unit.

These pieces of shit are trying to take all of it and completely destroy my life and entire future as a result. I've made it very clear that I was willing to simply sell them all of it ever since I first discovered the existence of the Netflix application yet never once did they choose to simply reach out to me and make an offer or strike up some kind of deal. They instead made the decision to use advanced ai and their many powerful 'connections' to carry out a complex fraud operation which I am guessing they never even figured I would notice in the first place much less notice, and then proceed to do nothing but dedicate my entire existence to investigating and unraveling while also making the entire thing as public as possible along the way... To live in the fantasy world where I play make believe that everything will be settled fairly in court some day down the road as I stand by and watch them distribute fake academic papers while being assisted by the likes of YouTube and the Internet Archive would be just as foolish as believing people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab actually want to help humanity and make the world a better place....

I will not 'own nothing' and be happy. This includes my intellectual property and the company I established because of it.


Matthew David Guertin
Inventor / Founder / CEO
InfiniSet Inc.
Minneapolis, MN

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