New York City Mayor Eric Adams Restricting Bus Arrivals Into The City

6 months ago

Uh oh. New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat who campaigned on keeping New York a sanctuary city, is afraid the city is at a breaking point and no longer able "to keep visualization of this crisis from hitting our streets." That's the problem? There are too many illegal immigrants to hide? Mayor Eric Adams says that quality of life in NYC will continue to decline because of the illegals: "For many months we were able to keep visualization of this crisis from hitting our streets… But we have reached a breaking point. We are no longer able to do that."

The New York Times reports Wednesday night that Adams is restricting bus arrivals into New York. Mayor Eric Adams restricted bus arrivals into New York, pushing back against efforts by the Texas governor to send asylum seekers to the city. -- We hate to break it to him, but the federal government is going to continue to fly illegal immigrants wherever they want to go, and a lot of them want to go to New York. It's a sanctuary city! We remember when CNN's Jim Acosta read "The New Colossus" during a Trump-era press briefing and then tweeted the whole poem.

• More at: Twitchy - New York City Mayor Eric Adams Restricting Bus Arrivals Into the City
New York Times: In Bid to Slow Migrant Surge, Adams Restricts Bus Arrivals Into New York

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