George Santos was on The Point talking about corruption and his new car was just broken into

6 months ago

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George Santos, the disgraced Congressman that was fired was on the show "The Point" talking about the corruption going on with politicians 😡

He also talked about how he now makes more than he did as a Congressman doing online Cameos for 500.00 each, nothing suspicious there right 🤔

The full video for those two clips can be found here :

Coincidentally, the third clip is from his X account with him talking about how his new car got broken into on 12-26-2023 and how he really feels about Mayor Eric Adams

In my opinion this guy is either going to "spill a lot of beans" or "they" will find what "they" need to put him away and keep him quiet, We'll just have to wait and see 🙄

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