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SN1319: Engineering Culture, Death By Doctor & Climate Refugees ⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2023/12/29/engineering-culture-death-by-doctor-climate-refugees]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2023/12/29/sn1319-engineering-culture-death-by-doctor-climate-refugees/]

In this reflective podcast episode, we wrap up 2023 amidst persistent chaos and destabilization, foreshadowing 2024 as a pivotal year marked by societal upheaval. The discussion explores the possibility that adversaries strategically set the stage for our compliance with anticipated societal changes, raising concerns about the orchestrated nature of these shifts.

The narrative shifts to the Pfizer vaccine controversy, with emerging revelations about its alleged damages and associated toxins. A glimmer of hope is found in Pfizer's acquisition of a cancer-focused company, seen as a positive development in the face of the ominous "disease X." The episode underscores the urgency of exposing technocrats' perceived malevolence to prevent further harm.

The overarching theme delves into a somber contemplation of humanity's direction, framing it as a self-inflicted journey toward destruction. The erosion of global normalcy is lamented, and a call to unveil the architects of this malevolence echoes throughout. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking question, challenging the listeners to consider whether an alternative society is within our capabilities, leaving the answer to be unveiled in the passage of time.

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