A Metamorphosis - Chapter 29

6 months ago

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“David!” exclaimed Yakov as he pulled the door open. “Great to see you! I’ve got a roommate—all the way from Paris. This is Ari Thalberg. Ari, meet David Kauly.”

Ari felt himself instantly and comprehensively scrutinized, analyzed, and memorized by the slightly balding, stocky man of medium height in his mid-forties who catapulted himself through the doorway and grasped his hand.

“So you’ve moved to Israel.” It was more a statement than a question. Ari was immediately alert. Who was this man with the quick eyes and noncommittal expression, and what did he know? He decided to keep that question alive for future consideration.

“Yes. Just arrived a few hours ago. Yakov’s good enough to share his flat with me.”

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