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Why Yeshua

1 year ago

First Fruits Ministries presents “Why Yeshua,” a Bible study presentation delivered on 12/26/2023 that discusses the basics of the Christian Faith and why we need Yeshua (Jesus) as our only path to salvation and eternal life in God's Kingdom. This is Part 1 of the series, which presents an overview of the path to salvation. Watch to learn more.

Download the presentation slides: https://storage2.snappages.site/ncm201u3w4/assets/files/20231226_WhyYeshua.pdf

PLEASE NOTE: First Fruits Ministries' Bible Studies are lengthy because they are designed as comprehensive and coherent messages that address as many nuances of a topic as possible. You are invited to watch each message in part until you have completed them at your own pace.

Sources Quoted/Used within this study:
* New King James Version of Scripture: (https://www.biblegateway.com).

Intro/Exit Music: 

• Revelation Song by Shane and Shane: https://youtu.be/8iBz2b6zyd4

A big thank you (תודה רבה) to Pastor Daniel Joseph of Corner Fringe Ministries for his mentorship, friendship and prayers. Thank you to Pastor Kraig Dorney and Pastor Mike Sutcliffe for their work on the Mighty Man program. Visit Corner Fringe on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/CornerFringeChannel/playlists or on the Web at https://www.cornerfringe.com.

May our Lord Yeshua be with you always, even to the end of the age!


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