9 months ago

Proverbs 3:17-18 New King James Version
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, And happy are all who [a]retain her.

I was incredibly encouraged as well as challenged by this morning scripture, because I can recall moments in my life, because I've listened to the Lord over a very important matter, that I wind up being spared something very seriously harmful. I can think of quite a few moments in my life, where God has spared me from some serious heartache, harm, and yes, I believe death, because I've listened to him and not to others. I think that's why these questions from this morning’s devotional really challenge my heart, but also inspired me to ask a question of my own, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please allow me to ask this question, and I pray that God will challenge your heart through it.

When has following God's wisdom saved your life?

As I said before, I have had quite a few moments in this area where listening to the Lord has been more than beneficial to me. As a matter of fact, it saved my life! What I'd like to do right now, is share some things that God showed me from His Word this morning on this very issue, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, I pray that what I share with you will challenge you to listen to God and follow His path and wisdom for your life too. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn for yourself how God's wisdom truly does save lives! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning’s devotional, and I pray that God will not only challenge your heart to want to know his wisdom for you, but that you will want to live out that wisdom in your life and value it every day.

How Much do you value wisdom?

How can you use wisdom to help someone today?

I pray tonight that if God is speaking to you on an important matter, whether it's your job, a relationship, or any situation that you are in, that you will listen to what God is saying to you and act on it. Maybe God is directing you to share the gospel with someone that you normally wouldn't share it with. Or He's telling you to get away from a toxic person, whether it's a spouse, parent, or yes, even a friend. He could also be telling you to walk away from a job you're in, because they're asking you to do something that's dishonoring to Him. Whatever it is, listen to God and OBEY HIM! You never know the life that you may save. It may be your own, and/or someone else’s.



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