Is There Toxic Substances in Vaccines?

1 year ago

The West Virginia Senate Education Committee is presented with the information that yes, the following toxic substances are in vaccines.

Formaldehyde causes cancer is in 13 different vaccines, Aluminum a potent neurotoxin is in 11 different vaccines and Mercury is in 3 different vaccines. What are we injecting into our children?

Thank you for this clip to The GovernmentWouldn’tDoThat. You can follow them on twitter @TheGovernmentWouldn’tDoThat3.0 on twitter, on Instagram @TheGovernmentWouldn’tDoThat4.0 You can also find their work on Rumble TheGovernmentWouldn’tDoThat

For more information on Vaccines, please visit;

For a detailed list of ingredients in vaccines visit:

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