12/27/23 Lord, prepare us to receive. ❤️

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The Old Wineskin Has Expired — It is Time to Expand and Grow!
December 22, 2023 Veronika West
I hear The Spirit say, “The Old Wineskin Has Expired — It is Time to Expand and Grow!”
The Hebrew word ‘Rachab’ means: ‘to grow large’, ‘to grow wide’, to go beyond, to make more room, to increase capacity, to break out, to breakthrough, to expand, to go further, to occupy new territories, no limits, no boundaries, thinking bigger, broadened and robust!
I hear a Prophetic Command in this Next Season:
* “Time to Enlarge your territory”
* “Time to Enlarge your capacity”
* “Time to Go Beyond”
* “Time to Cast your Nets on the Right Side -the Radical Side”
* “Time to Align with Heavens Time and the Catch-Up Winds will bring Acceleration and Advance”
I hear The Spirit say, “The Old Wineskin has expired — it is time to expand and grow!”
In this hour, Father is revealing again to us that He has the capacity, ability and the willingness to bless us exceedingly and abundantly.
So, why then are many of us in The Body of Christ not walking in and experiencing all the blessings that we have been promised?
I believe it has something to do with our ‘limited capacity’ to receive and to retain what is being released in this hour.
I firmly believe that the capacity we have on earth will always determine how much Heaven is able to release! That makes sense, doesn’t it?
🔥In order to receive MORE WE MUST INCREASE MORE!
A great example of this was when the poor widow was told to collect as many empty jars as possible, to be filled with oil.
And as we know and see from the this simple story as soon as the “capacity” of the jars was filled, the oil ceased to flow!!
Therefore our “Capacity determines the flow”… We can only expect to receive a flow that corresponds with the capacity we have to contain that flow!
The Word says,
“Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you”“ Matthew 9:29 NKJ
We also see another example,
“Give, and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you!” Luke 6:38
We are promised that we will receive the same measure back to the proportion of the capacity that is presented in Heaven.
Prophetically, we must align ourselves with Expansion and Increase in the days ahead, as this will determine the supernatural flow we become partakers of….
I see so many experiencing low levels of supernatural flow, because they have ceased to position themselves for expansion..increase and maturity.
Let’s tap into the Keys that are revealed in the Word, on how we can be Enlarged and Increase!
🔥In Isaiah 54 will be a Key Chapter in 2024
We see five specific commands: Enlarge; Stretch; Lengthen; Strengthen and do not hold back!
Here we see the heart of The Father. He so desires we Increase — so He can pour out and pour out!
He is a generous God Who gives us all more that we could ever ask for — or imagine!
Knowing that our capacity determines what we are able to contain and receive, we must understand that God will not release to us a measure of blessing that we are not yet able to handle and steward well.
Our capacity is indeed the measure of what we can receive, hold or absorb, and It reflects our potential, resourcefulness and skillfulness.
Now, to increase our capacity, we must go beyond the current state and ability to receive or contain, and begin to build up and expand our gifts and abilities.
Let’s take a practical look in The Word at what a “Limited Capacity” looks like.
Jesus instructs Simon Peter to launch out his boat into the deep, with nets for a catch, and yet Simon’s response was a good indication of having a “limited capacity”!
“Simon answered Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word I will let down the net.”
And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink”. Luke 5:4-7
Do you see, Simon started with a “limited capacity” but his obedience to Jesus’s Instruction brought him forth into Increase and Expansion.
🔥What is Father saying to you in this season?
🔥What area is He asking you to be Radically Obedient in?
🔥 What instructions is He giving you that you are not doing because of a “limited capacity”?
Or your Faith is weak; you are fearful of failure; you are leaning on your own understanding; you are leaning on the arm of the flesh; you are Under estimating His Power to supply all your needs; you are listening to the lies of the enemy; you are afraid to be rejected and misunderstood?
To be in perfect Alignment means to never underestimate the Power of God and to always Trust and Obey!
Friends, The Time is Now!
Heaven is releasing supernatural supply to enable, equip and empower you for Expansion and Increase!
The question is: Will you give Him “Capacity” for it?
I Prophesy in this hour :
Your Mind is being rewired and renewed — your Heart is being expanded and your Faith is being stretched.
You are receiving a greater flow of supernatural Ability and Supply to fulfill and accomplish your God-given destiny!
I Prophesy :
God is expanding your capacity to receive all that Heaven is releasing and revealing in this hour!
As you come into a deeper place of Intimacy with The Father in this Season, every blessing that has been held back because of “limited capacity” is going to be released and revealed to you!
There is a supernatural upgrade and a divine download of Kingdom Resources being made available to you as you step out and into the deeper places with God in the coming days.
Many of you already recognise the need for an enlarged capacity. Ask and it shall be given you. Go for it!
Jabez asked for God to bless him and increase his capacity and indeed God granted him his request! (1 Chronicles 4:10)
I Prophesy :
It is time to be stretched beyond the current state and challenge change for increase to come.
Do not settle for less — but be stretched for more!
Let Faith fly, and become bolder in your requests and obey the call to step up, step out and step into the new place of kingdom occupations.
Get out of your comfort zone and resist procrastination and passivity.
Become motivated and sober minded.
Do not compromise or complain — but rejoice and make a stand, let your yes be yes, and your no be no!
Stop being double-minded and doubting His goodness! You are more than a conqueror through Christ.
You will walk in a Spirit of Excellence and expand your capacity in this season!
Time to Expand your Vision!
As you begin to enlarge you to come into all that God has created you for — look up, do not look back, and keep looking forward.
Like Joseph, the Word / Vision from God will be tested! Be patient — God’s timing is perfect.
That means, let your thoughts line up with His Word!
Dream big and challenge small minded thinking! You are a Child, a King, a Priest, a Chosen One — of God. Think kingdom!
None of us have arrived!
God resists the proud — but gives grace, grace, grace to the humble! We need one another!
Friends, determine now in your hearts that you will go beyond the boundary lines and the place of Confinement and Limitation.
The devil cannot stop you — and the past cannot hold you!
The lines He has drawn for you have fallen in pleasant places!
You must believe to receive it…
You are going further, deeper and wider than ever before.
Decree Kingdom Expansion! Expansion! Expansion! — I am going beyond!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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