9 months ago

Since 2020 if you never got vaccinated you resisted a trillion dollars worth of propaganda marketing and stood up to the social pressure and demonization. You stood up against Genocide from Satan’s religions the father of lies and deception behind pulpits of death. These fake christian ministers of trillion dollar greed deny God and teach followers false scriptures to be sheep to bow down to Satan in end times fear and be slaughtered like cattle with muslim blades.

We are never resigned and live life positively and powerfully. We have compassion for other people blinded by lies and their children to pass the good new of our Messiah Jesus. We want to help other people. We know ignorance means they do not know any better. They were never taught Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge” They were never taught that Revelation 2 9 and 3 9 exposes the zionist as those who say they are Jews but are not they are the Synagogue of Satan in New York City and State of Israel
Verse 9 states I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

We know the enemy and wear the Armour of TRUTH. We have power over every evil spirit. We are physically and spiritually powerful children of God and not a follower of Sodomite Trillionaire Lord Rothschild British Royal Vatican World Economic Forum Nazis psychopaths who conspire to eliminate the 90 percent of the human race through their Agenda 2030.

We know Satan’s bloodline of the CAIN Kenite Tribe Ashkenazi that is described in original King James Bible scripture in John 8:44. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. We know Satan Lucifer rules over the principalities in Government, Religion, Education and Finance

The whole armor of god is Knowing the WAY, The Truth and the LIFE in Jesus the Messiah and the I AM THAT I AM only name given to god in the beginning of genesis as the single god of creation. It’s knowing there are 72 names of mythological pagan Roman And Greek Gods with various denominations that create racism in arguments over my God is better than your god. Then there are over 33 Veda Hidu Gods or 330 millions dieties worship of idols, statues, and serpent goddess KALI destroyer of the Universe and used in occult freemasonry by Ailester Crowley in New Age Love and Light of Lucifer.

We have authority to keep order love and peace, to not buy on credit, to stay in the world and recieve miracles from God. We know to Take authority over our powerful intentions through our hearts and holy spirit to pull down the strongholds of the United Nations as Jasua did to bring down the wall of Jerico. Christ hears us and will stop and put an end to it!

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