Confirmed: Alex Jones was Under Sureillance in NY! - TheAlexJonesChannel - 2013

10 months ago

Published on Jan 11, 2013

"After Doug Hagmann, of the Northeast Intelligence Network, learned that Jones was appearing on the CNN program, he contacted his DHS insider source who told him that federal agents were indeed "assigned to follow Alex Jones during his visit to New York."

From "Bumper lock him. Make it obvious. Do whatever you can, just make sure he knows. Handle him as a hostile." Those were the instructions reportedly given to federal agents who were assigned to follow Alex Jones during his visit to New York, according to a DHS source with information about the surveillance operation. "It was done to intimidate, no question," stated this DHS source. "I don't know how many [agents] were assigned to him and another fellow traveling with him, but I know that there was co-ordination between federal agencies and a private security concern. I've learned that the assignment originated from pretty high up and was approved at multiple levels. This was supposed to be 'off the books,' no records and there was to be complete denial if confronted," stated this source. He added that he was unsure if any of the surveillance operatives were working for the city of New York, but stated that "it wouldn't surprise me. There's a pretty close relationship at that level between agencies." After being alerted to his appearance with Piers Morgan, I contacted my "DHS insider" for his comments and overall assessment. I was neither surprised nor shocked at what I learned. According to my source, Mr. Jones' itinerary was known in advance and surveillance was established accordingly. The surveillance operatives were working in three-man teams, with as many as nine operatives assigned [to him] at any given time. Video surveillance was involved, and there were instructions to secure any video that could be used to marginalize or embarrass him, with the specific intent to assail his credibility as well as to harass him. It's my understanding that they were also trying to bait him," stated this source.

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