Will America Survive Another Year of ‘Get Trump’?

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[00:30] The War in ’24 (37 minutes)
Donald Trump has been out of office for almost three years, but the media and political establishment insist he is the cause of all of America’s problems and the instigator of all violence. But everyday Americans are getting angry at the federal government’s decisions that are destroying our nation faster than anyone could have imagined. Victor Davis Hanson wrote a great piece at American Greatness about how 2024 will be a dramatic year that could explode into violence.

[37:30] Evolution vs. Creation (12 minutes)
Evolution is the atheist’s attempt to explain creation without a Creator. Higher education is built on this false idea, but the Bible shows the true story of creation.

[49:40] 2023 Trumpet Daily Blooper Reel (5 minutes)

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