1 year ago

A nation of chaotics who hate Israel and Jews

Since the installation of Nelson Mandela as president in 1994, South Africa has steadily plunged, deeper and deeper, over decades of instability, prejudice, and chaos. Save for the few pockets of order in the predominantly Jewish City of Pretoria, South Africa barely qualifies as a nation.

In their latest outrage, the government of South Africa has warned its civilians against giving aid to Israel and the Israeli Defence Force. South Africa is threatening any of their citizens, largely white and Jewish, with prison time for those who do not secure Africa’s permission first.

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Given South Africa’s growing persecution of Jews in their own country, it’s a sure bet nobody asking permission will be given the green light. In fact, asking permission will almost certainly put someone on a not-so-secret ‘subversives list’. In a nation where human rights are almost non-existent, but always for sale, it’s not a good idea to not get one’s self on any ‘lists’.

South African leaders have expressed “grave concern” that a number of South African Jews have already joined the Israel Defense Forces in their war in Gaza against Hamas. They also state that rendering aid to Israel in any form could, in their opinion, violate domestic and international law.

In a statement from South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation they said, “Any person joining the IDF without the necessary permission of the [National Conventional Arms Control Committee] is breaking the law and can be prosecuted.”

Abel Mousanni, a policy-maker in South Africa’s shaky government said, “Any citizen either by birth right or naturalization is in danger of severe repercussion if he or she should choose to join Israel’s Army. The process of application is a 6-month, $US10,000 procedure and will certainly meet with refusal. We have already begun to keep a list of such people. They are labeled as ‘subversives’ and will be watched very closely.”

South Africans fighting in the IDF without Africa’s permission could find themselves behind bars on return to their home country. Those South Africans who are naturalized citizens could have their citizenship revoked. The damning statement and warning of South Africa has made it abundantly clear that the Republic of South Africa “does not support or agree with” Israel’s crusade against Hamas.

From a progressive industrial power with conditions rapidly improving although still racially troubled, South Africa has descended into a state of near-chaos and has emerged as a staunch opponent of the Jewish State of Israel.

Ya wanna boycott someone?

Try boycotting all South African goods and services. They have hidden behind the shield of ‘Black Supremacy’ for far too many years, garnering support from such luminaries as China, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and a host of other international bad actors. BOYCOTT SOUTH AFRICA!

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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