Was she DRUNK? CT trooper takes off after smashing into a college student multiple times. FIRED

1 year ago

of course, all charges against this criminal were dropped because she completed a "program," but they just did recently fire her over it... so what did the ia report find? this whole situation is just madness. why wasn't she treated like everyone else? why didn't she get the same treatment? this is the 2 tiered justice system we have here in the US. why didn't they tow her car that night? why didn't they charge her with more charges? everyone's wondering that.. oh yea, because she's part of the gang. like how she got "arrested" in an abandoned parking lot, with no one else around? the college teen involved had to do physical therapy and stuff. I didn't read anything about any lifelong or life-threatening injuries. this bs needs to stop. I can't even find exactly what troop she worked for, either. All the papers could say where she was arrested, but not who she worked for. lmk your thoughts


CT State Police Headquarters
1111 Country Club Rd, Middletown, CT 06457
+1 860-685-8190

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