The Phantom Chapter 07 The Mystery Well

1 year ago

Chapter seven of The Phantom reveals how Devil (Ace the Wonder Dog) rushed in to save his master (Tom Tyler) from the booby trap set by Andy Kriss (Sol Gorss). Dr. Bremmer (Kenneth MacDonald), meanwhile, negotiates a deal to buy six of the seven keys to the secret location of the lost city of Zoloz from Singapore Smith (Joe Devlin), after which henchman Rocco (Paul Marion) a bit impulsively stabs the latter. "You self-satisfied bonehead," Dr. Bremmer sneers when Rocco learns that Singapore had lied about the whereabouts of the keys. With an anxious Dr. Bremmer attending, the dying Singapore reveals to the trench coat clad Phantom, aka Mr. Walker, that "the keys are hidden in the back of the warehouse." While The Phantom immediately locates the keys at the bottom of an old well, Dr. Bremmer searches the warehouse. But a noise from the well alerts the villains to the Phantom's presence and they commence to destroy the structure, our hero still trapped inside.

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