Delta Airlines Employee Surprises Angry Trans Customer By Pushing Back On 'It's Ma'am' Routine

1 year ago

The days leading up to Christmas are some of the most tiring for customer service workers in most industries, with customers desperate to get whatever business they need to get done before the holiday hits tending to be not as reasonable as they might otherwise me. This is doubly true for workers in the airline industry, where hordes of travelers descend on them at their airport kiosks trying to get home for the holidays; although Christmas may bring out the best in people in some areas, traveling is not one of those areas for most!

So even under the best of circumstances the person helping you out at the airline is already under a tremendous amount of stress during the holiday season and likely doesn't have the time or the interest to be pussyfooting around whatever small issue you may have when there are actual major problems going on all around them… and this holds doubly true when the small 'issue' that you have is that you're angry that you got 'misgendered'. Watch what happens when an (apparently) transgendered 'woman' tries to throw a fit about being called 'he' by a Delta employee.

That employee was not having any part of this, and we think that's just great. It's hard to go full 'It's MA'AM!!!' on a guy when he's got the heft of Airport Security behind him to make sure you stay in line. I love the Delta employee push back. "I have full authority to escort you out of the building… you want that 2 days before Christmas? Because I really don't mind." That shut him right up.

• More at: Twitchy - Delta Airlines Employee Surprises Angry Trans Customer by Pushing Back on 'It's MA'AM' Routine

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