Questions from my TEDx Talk - How do I address the concern about dosing Cannabis?

6 months ago

It was an honor to have the opportunity to present a TEDx talk about the opioid crisis, and the talk was about how the solution to a potential 60% reduction in death by opioids. Feedback and interactions have been fantastic. Here is the first question broken out in a video response.

Check out all of my research on the solution to the opiod crisis at

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:00:03] This. Doctor Chalmers, welcome to Wellness Insights with me, Dr. Chalmers. All right, so we talked about this a little bit, my TEDx talk. How do I address the concern about dosing cannabis? So the problem we get into is that if you're just smoking flowers, smoking joints, that type of thing, it's really hard to get five or ten milligrams. [00:00:20][16.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:00:22] Again, the whole joints can hurt you. But if you're a little bit too high to function and you're laughing all the time, you're not going to get through your day. So gummies can do this. Not great. But if you find low-dose gummies, five mg, that type of thing, that's fantastic. But the strips, the sublingual strips that I like. [00:00:31][9.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:00:31] So if you're if you're out and about game eight strips dot com, that's a delta eight strip it is at the moment, legal in 30-something states. So I would grab as much as you can because they're going to make that illegal probably by the end of this year. And they have no plans of making cannabis legal for medical in any of the states where it's going to be illegal. So grab what you can because you're going to need it. [00:01:04][33.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:01:05] The way the strips work is that you can cut them in half in thirds. You can get a 16 to just a little tiny sliver off. And that's that's the way that we dose it because, you know, it's a 20 milligram, 25 milligrams strap depending on what you're getting. So if you cut it in half, so obviously math, if it's a 20 milligram cut in half, it's ten and ten. You can't really do that with gummies, though. The way that it works with gummies is that they kind of clump up the active ingredient, and it comes up. And so if you have a gummy like this and it's all over here if you cut it in half, all is going to be here. None of us can be over here. Or you get 70, 30. It's very, very difficult to dose them with gummies, but with the strips since are evenly applied, you can cut them up like that and be really consistent. [00:01:46][41.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:01:46] So you can. No, I need a third of a strip to go to sleep. I need a quarter of a strip to do this. So that's what's been good. One of the ladies found out that we gave this to. She found out that a third of the strip would have the same pain-fighting power as a ten-milligram oxy, which is pretty impressive because that's ten milligrams of basic heroin. Heroin and oxy are the same strength. They're stronger than morphine. Morphine is a one on the scale, and heroin and oxy are about a six or seven. So it's fentanyl, by the way, is 179. So fentanyl is ridiculously stronger and it's used all the time in hospitals to help knock people out. It is a functional drug. [00:02:28][41.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:02:28] It is needed for surgery. It should never be on the street, though. So that's how we address the dosage piece. Now, the fun thing is, is that so? Let's say that you have a pain and let's say it's in your son, and you give him a little bit, and it doesn't quite cover it. You can give him a little bit more and okay, now I know. Now I know I need to give him a quarter of a strap or, you know, a fifth of a strap or whatever to combat this issue. [00:02:52][23.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers.: [00:02:52] This, you know, that's how we dealt with his surgery. I gave him a little bit. He was like, It helps, but not really. I gave him a little bit more, and he was like, okay, that helped. And so I was like, okay, those two added together was what we needed. And so that's how we dosed it. Really, simple. So, I talk about that in a TED talk. So we'll add that clip in here so that you can see about what I did with my son. , what solution did I give the sublingual cannabis strips? That's that's a game strip. We have a couple of groups that we're talking to about doing actual real pain studies with them. And so, hopefully, we'll have a specific one tailored specifically for pain in California soon.

If the rest of the country can get on board with decriminalizing medical use nationally, we'll be able to ship those strips all over the U.S., and people can use those instead of opioids for all their pain.

#tedxtalk #pain #opiods #opiodcrisis #cannabisheals #cannabistalk101 #addictionrecovery

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