Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident: Did the US Air Force See UFOs During “Britain’s Roswell”?

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The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident happened exactly 43 years ago, on December 26, 1980. Did the US Air Force see UFOs during “Britain’s Roswell”? What did Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt’s men see in the woods that startled them so much, he wrote a report to the UK Ministry of Defence about it? A major National Press Club conference was held years later in Washington D.C. with Halt and other US military veterans to reveal what they saw at different military bases and share their experiences. Allegedly, UFOs tampered with multiple nuclear weapons. Disc-shaped objects, bright lights, dysfunctional missile silos, and craft over weapons bunkers are just the beginning of this whistleblower testimony. Join Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder as they discuss the behind-the-scenes military handshakes happening for decades between America, Britain, and even Russia.

In this episode, Ben and Rob discuss eyewitness testimony from nuclear missile site experts in the United States military. Debate with Edge of Wonder what information was covered up, never reported at all, or just plain imagined. Are there benevolent beings trying to send a message that nuclear technology has gone too far, and humans are getting help so they don’t destroy themselves? Multiple air force bases around the world have had incidents that shocked some witnesses to the core—but that didn’t surprise their superiors in the least. Just how common are UFO sightings around such bases if encounters are regularly being swept under the rug, not investigated properly, or witnesses are deemed crazy for speaking out?

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