Unlocking new capacity in 6G cellular systems via site-specific ML-aided design | ITU Journal - Ian F akyildiz December 12, 2023

1 year ago

Unlocking new capacity in 6G cellular systems via site-specific ML-aided design | ITU Journal - Ian F akyildiz December 12, 2023
(EMF PROTECTION) Fix the World Project Maroc S.A.R.L. specializes in handmade Home Decor products for EMF protection as well as online technology education.  https://ftwproject.com/ref/512
E.M.F. Protection Clothing & Bedding: 
Turmeric Powder as a Natural Heavy Metal Chelating Agent: Surface Characterisation
6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems - INTERNET OF BioNanoThings FOR HEALTH APPLICATIONS IAN F. AKYILDIZ , (Fellow, IEEE), Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute
Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G - 6G Vision, Requirements and Challenges 2030+ VIVO TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G - 6G Vision, Requirements
and Challenges 2030+
• Digital Life 2030+ 6G
I.T.U. United Nations Telecommunications Union, Ian F. Akyildiz 5G-6G-7G (THE E.M.F. TERRORISTS) 👈 What The PFIZER "Lawfare" (PSYOP) People Don't Want YOU Looking At!
Who is Ian F. Akyildiz & The I.T.U ?
Ian F. Akyildiz ITU Profile: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/academia/kaleidoscope/2020/Pages/Ian-Akyildiz.aspx
Ian F. Akyıldız: Bio nano scale machines - these are for injecting into the body, always monitoring the health problems. And that is also going really well, like with these COVID vaccines"
Ian F Akyildiz wants to teach everyone about his design for remotely controlling your cells from the internet, the hub being your mobile phone & his implantable bioelectronic devices which include an engineered Ecoli fluorescent bionanosensor.
PANACEA: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ianakyildiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/panacea.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjErbCfq5qDAxWwIjQIHY1MBB8QFnoECA0QBg&usg=AOvVaw2ngg1loxz97p6SNTR2rHFS
More info: In PANACEA, to detect the communication within the cells of the body to deduce infection level, a submilimeter implantable bio-electronic device, a Bio-NanoThing, is proposed. BNT can transmit the detected infection data remotely to a wearable hub/gateway outside of the body.
“The sixth generation (6G) of mobile network will be composed by different nodes, from
macro-devices (satellite) to nano-devices (sensors inside the human body), providing a full connectivity fabric all around us.”

Physical-Layer Security in 6G Networks
When you look up at the lines in the sky and wonder w..t.f. are they spraying on us?
ian f akyildiz cube sats
Design and Development of Software Defined Metamaterials for Nanonetworks
Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks
Industrial Cyberphysical Systems: A Backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Abstract: Cyberphysical systems 2017
Have they been testing the mRNA Technology on the public since 2017!? Look For Yourself Their Own Data Is Very Clear! https://rumble.com/v2qy6a8-may-30-2023.html
Just a reminder!

3:30.00min.  implanted devices #BioConvergence  The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab Leader Of The World Economic Forum - The Fourth Reich MANIFESTO For 2020-2030 #Audiobook
Realize that the "4th industrial revolution" is actually the 4th Reich Rebranded!
Klaus Schwab Speaking About The Great Reset & How The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You When You Take A Genetic Editing!

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