What Is A1 Doing?

1 year ago

"The Supreme Leader" is Certainly Not Being Truthful, and is Hiding the KNOWN remedy and of course THE Problem From Australians . . . meanwhile Playing people on Emotions of those Things The Cabal WANTS to Throw Under the Bus, now. Distraction by emotion.

Must Keep the People as Foreign Body-Corporates though (CitizenSHIP), so requiring Deception, misleading people AWAY from their Own Country, and doing a WAVE mind Job in the very Process, by the Emotion.

BEWARE Australia!! . This film bears too much resemblance to what goes on in "A1" movement. Particularly the secret society aspect of it and the information control, such as we find on GAB and other platforms and in Real Places. Propaganda, which A1 also does, blindly for most members, like MAKING New Flags, and so Desecrating their ANZAC knowingly or not.

Replacing One Deception, with a New Deception. Do Your OWN Homework!! . Never Trust a Jesuit! . The way he gets angry, at the truth . . . will and does expose him.

ANZAC , Australia's one true and one only Peoples Federated Land Flag. That BOZI Denies, desecrates, and HIDES FROM YOU!!

The Flag that father and son, of ANZAC, died under in Two World Wars . . . but they re-wrote your history, and Bozi Hides it from you. By Orders and threat of his life, we have to say. Lies about Law, you DO have True Imperial Common Law by ANZAC and Our One Flag and the Land; if you Leave the Foreign Admiralty CitizenSHIP!

UN Declaration, revision of school text books (1939)

Why does he want to Build Back Better from Ground Up?. Same reason as late 1901, when they didn't like what the People Chose, free country humbly relying on blessing of Almighty God. It isn't rocket science, just history repeating.

Join Us! . . . we already returned Home to true commonwealth, thousands upon thousands; countless numbers. With Law!. Inevitability. All that is left really, is time.

One Crown
One Flag
One People
One Destiny

Lest we forget

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