Christmas Pajama Greetings

8 months ago

It’s another Christmas and another version of the Christmas Pajamas. Only showing the shirt. My wonderful step daughter insists we all do this every year. Not so bad just can’t go out in public like this.
Well I got me some new podcasting gear and sound mixer that I’m looking forward to breaking in next week. Should be interesting for this old chunk of coal to master.

Hope everyone has had a great holiday.

Too bad my friends at don’t make these pajamas. They do make great pillows and all kinds of great stuff.

FACE is your savings code.

Hey do me a favor?Follow and like my channel. Little by little views are climbing. I hope my content is mildly entertaining. I try to do serious,ridiculous,stream of consciousness kind of crap. Some works some bombs but it helps pass the day.

God Bless!!

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